Open source travel planner to – 47 points –

Hello, I’m planning a rather large trip later this year and have been searching for something to help me plan and organize. I’ve come across a few apps that are not exactly privacy friendly, like TripIt and Wanderlog.

Does anyone know of any self hosted or otherwise open source alternatives to these apps?


I feel like I'm insane because I remember clearly that someone made an open source trip planner years ago on Reddit that gained a lot of support. But I can't find any references to it anymore.

I think I remember reading such a post where the person was saying that they are trying to develop such a solution, but it was work in progress. It was an old post, and I think they had abandoned it.

This is ringing bells from like 2018 when I was last looking at this kind of stuff. Maybe they abandoned it or it became one of the available paid apps or something.

I feel like I’ve seen something like this as well but can’t find any reference. Lots of open source trip planner hits, but for routing a drive, not for a trip itinerary/planning.

Same here, weird...

Maybe an OpenStreetMap app that supports WikiVoyage?

I've been personally using KDEs Itinerary app, but it might not be what you're looking for

This is close to what I’m looking for, but won’t work on my iOS device while travelling. Can KDE apps live alongside a Gnome DE? I’ve never had a need to look into it.

Yes. They just won't look/work the same as the native Gnome apps. I select apps based on functionality, so I have a mix of both KDE and Gnome apps on my Gnome DE.

Gotcha, I’ll check that out.

Unless I can find something better I’ll just use a combination of Joplin and a spreadsheet for now, and maybe make a little self hosted solution as I figure out my own needs.

I have been trying to find such a solution but I couldn't. I have scraped almost every Reddit post I could find on this topic but I could not find a solution that works for me. So I ended up making a simple table on Nextcloud notes. Along with that I used the Organic Maps app which is based on OSM. I just downloaded the maps I needed onto my device and I pinned some locations that I wanted to visit.

All the work was done manually. I would really appreciate if someone can develop such a solution. I am even willing to donate a few dollars.

This could work, yeah. I already use Organic maps so fits. I’ve seen a trip planning notion template, but I use self hosted Joplin so maybe I can adapt it for now.

Maybe I’ll work on an actual app myself though. I’m not super knowledgeable but could do something basic. Could be a fun project to work on in the spring.

Instead of Joplin you can try Obsidian and the MapView Plugin. Imo its really nice to plan a trip.

You will have a map with all destinations and you can write down so many notes to each destination and link all of that together.

Here is a reddit post about the plugin

This looks cool, and there is an itinerary plugin as well. And a community workaround to self host syncing. I’ll check it out, thanks!!