14 Post – 192 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Handbrake is great. But I would also recommend using Kdenlive. It is a video editor but if you just open your video in it and just export the project, you will get some good output format options.

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I have written a small blog post about how to Bypass CGNAT, and have also mentioned why you should not use Cloudflare if you are hosting for privacy.

I recommend using WebM container with VP9 codec instead of GIF if you are exporting it for web. It even supports alpha.

LibRedirect - A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and other websites to alternative privacy friendly frontends YouTube → Invidious , Piped , Piped-Material , CloudTube , PokeTube , FreeTube , Yattee YouTube Music → Beatbump , Hyperpipe Twitter → Nitter TikTok → ProxiTok Reddit → Libreddit , Teddit Imgur → Rimgo Pixiv → PixivFE

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It's the reverse for me. New clothes feel uncomfortable, sometimes. Then, the more I wear it, they keep getting comfortable.

Maybe, look up tye ingredients of your detergent? Also, consider using treated-soft water for washing clothes. Hard water (water with minerals) can damage the fabric.

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Cup noodles can be made with cold water too. But they will take about 30 mins instead of 2-3 minutes. Tried and tested. They still taste good. They are not very nutritious, though.

I would recommended making Energy Bars/Balls. You can find a lot of recipes online but here's mine:

  • Roasted almonds
  • Roasted cashews
  • Roasted pistachios
  • Roasted hazelnuts
  • Roasted walnuts
  • Raisins
  • Dates
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Peanut Butter (unsweetened) (mine contains coconut oil)
  • Sesame seeds
  • Muskmelon seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dark Chocolate
  1. Roast the nuts and grind almonds and walnuts to almost flour consistency, and grind the others coarsly.
  2. Just put everything in a food processor and let it mix everything. You can also mix it with hand or spoon.
  3. To make bars, just put the mixture in a baking dish or a tray and put as much pressure as you can on top of it with your hands or spoon to remove all the air pockets. Refrigerate it for 4 hours. Then cut it into bars.
  4. To make balls, just lightly oil your hands and form a ball shape. Again, press them hard to remove the air pockets.

These can last over a week outside the refrigerator (considering the ambient temperature in your area does not rise above 30° C). And inside the refrigerator they can last for over a month.

You can add different types of seeds, nuts, sweeteners etc, depending on what you like, what your body needs and what's available.

Hope this helps.

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In water, Hippopotamus. On land, Rhinoceros.

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I'd want PeerTube to be the norm.

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I had always been afraid of it. Now, I love it.

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I experienced this on my Galaxy Tab A7 (in India), a few years ago. Using Universal Android Debloater got rid of this.

This one works.

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Menstrual cycle trackers

  • Drip - Menstrual cycle and fertility tracking. Everything you enter stays on your device.
  • log28 - a (very) simple no-frills period tracker for Android.
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Jitsi Meet can be self-hosted. The data will go through your server, but end-to-end encryption can be used.

Another option is Wirow. Again, data goes through the servers.

I do not think if there are any peer-to-peer video chat applications. If there were, why would there be a need for self-hosting a server?

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Just curious. Why Plex, and not Jellyfin?

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This might help you understand things a little better. I would advise staying away from Cloudflare if you are self-hosting for privacy.

Not sure, but I think its purpose is to get get these posts appear in meta search engine results (SEO).

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My handwriting is the perfect encryption. Nobody else can understand it. Lol.

Mind sharing what were your issues with Joplin?

My only issue is that it does not have any widgets on Android. So, I use Nextcloud Notes when I need that. But Joplin is actually great. You can self host a joplin server or sync using a Nextcloud server. It supports advanced markdown and I like the UI as well.

You can try Bookstack, but it will work on a web browser only. Another option is Obsidian, but I think only the apps are FOSS, the backend is not.

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I wrote a small blog about bypassing CGNAT using TLS-passthrough. Cloudflare uses TLS-termination, which means they can see all the data being passed through, which defeats the purpose of privacy.

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I've tried hosting an nginx server. It is fun, but I wouldn't rely on it for production use cases.

I've also seen some people run docker on their android devices.

By completely skipping Spotify, and creating your own self-hosted library by buying/pirating the songs. I recommend Jellyfin and Subsonic. Koel is another good option.

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That is correct, but I'll need either a Macintosh machine, or a VM to compile the app. Then, I'll have to pay a fee to Apple to publish this on their App Store. I haven't even made a .deb package, as of now, because I use Fedora and am too lazy to spin up a VM.

But if I get to implement everything I have in mind, for this app, I'll surely release it on every platform possible.

Here's what I do with Dodi an FitGirl repacks:

  1. Install wine, its dependencies, and Steam. I use Fedora, so I installed Steam using rpm-fusion's non-free repository.
  2. Double click on the installer and install the game normally in a folder.
  3. Launch Steam and add a non-steam game. I select the .exe file used to launch the game.
  4. Right-click on the non-steam game and change its preferences to use Proton.
  5. Launch the game.
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They could have just consulted Dory.

Actually, Apple copied GNOME.

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I used to be a leacher, even when I had a broadband connection. I never really knew why seeding was important. Now, I try to match the data I have uploaded, at least, if not more. Like, of I download a 50gb of something. I seed at least 50gb before I remove it.

Lmao. Took me a while to understand this.

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OP wants a safe experience, not a good experience.

I use Invidious because it does not require JavaScript.

Also, does piped always proxy the data? Some Invidious instances have the option but I have never seen it on pioed instances.

I just opened an empty Writer document to check the RAM usage. On Fedora 39, it is using 161.0 MB. I opened an empty Calc, and the RAM usage increased to 223.9 MB.

Depends on what you are expecting. If you want privacy, then no. If you want larger file limits or something, maybe yes.

I think MIUI was its pioneer. Even the settings app had ads.

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If you absolutely need Lightroom and no other alternate would work for your use case, I'm sure will have it. Otherwise, I would recommend Darktable as an alternate. It is free, open-source and just as powerful.

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We had a wonderful English teacher in our college. And on the last day many students gave her some gifts. If I remember correctly, we gave a small bamboo plant that sits on a table, some squishy smiley balls aka stress balls, a custom printed tshirt, a book, and maybe a mug too.

The biggest reason for me was that Jellyfin is fully open source.

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These lines are invisible but many inherited and acquired diseases of skin manifest themselves according to these patterns creating the visual appearance of these lines.

There are still a lot of caveats. For example, your server hosting provider can block you for posting objectionable content, like anti-LGBT references. If you host at home, you ISP can ban you. Then comes the domain extension. The domain extentions are controlled by some company or the other, like .com is managed by verizon, .zip is managed by Google etc. They, or the domain provider can also terminate your contract.

Onion domains may be a solution, but if you post seriously objectionable content, like leaking CIA secrets, you can expect someone to knock on your door soon.

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Joplin can be a multi-user solution as well. I use Joplin with Nextcloud. If you don't want to share notes just use Joplin and every user can use the same nextcloud instance, but different user accounts, to save their notes. If you want to share all the notes, all the users can synchronise with the same Nextcloud user. You can make different notebooks for different users. All the users, however, can see and edit notes. Joplin cannot be a solution if you want to share some notes. It is either all, or none.

Logseq can be another solution, with the same technique. However, you can use git to synchronise different databases, where one database is used in shared notes and personal databases for non-shared notes. I host my own Gitea (will soon shift to forgejo) to synchronise my Logseq databases.

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I don't want to pay Microsoft. I'd rather use Comic Neue.

A long shot:

Install an Alpine or some other lightweight Linux VM on your Android device and install GIMP on it.

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