Businesses can discriminate against their customers? Alright then... to Malicious – 2103 points –

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There's a contradiction here. The Supreme Court ruled that Speech can't be compelled, not that you could bar certain people from a business. You could decline to decorate a cake with "MAGA", but not decline to sell a cake to a Republican, for example. What those signs are promoting is still illegal.

Forgive me, but I don't believe political affiliation is a protected class--protected classes are the only things people can't discriminate based on. So like, race, sex, religion are protected, but democrat/republican/green party aren't protected. Businesses can legally discriminate against non-protected classes. It's just usually a bad business strategy to turn customers away.

So you can simply refuse service in any business by refusing to speak to them.

Personally I think you should be able to decline any service to anyone for any reason. Anything less than that is government compelled work.

That just allows people to be overtly bigoted and crated an apartheid society. And we did have this: "no blacks", "no Irish"...

Well, that is what conservatives consider to be the peak of America.

"Make America Great Again" - "great" is when America was apartheid.