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Suppose we have a human extinction, and intelligent life develops all over. All religion will be gone or very different, but science will continue to make the same discoveries all over again.

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What you described was not the actual outcome of the ruling.

The wedding website designer did not give them a website with no mention of being gay, that they could fill in themselves. The website designer was allowed to fully refuse them any kind of website at all. Just like refusing a blank wedding cake because the couple is gay.

The justification of the decision was not in good faith. It stepped away over the bounds of protecting against compelled speech. And they deserve to feel the consequences.

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Huge parts of the game were brilliantly done. The writing, voice acting, motion capture are some of the best ever done in a video game. The environment and assets are incredible, the amount of music and soundwork and ambient dialogue is just insane.

They just crunched it too hard and pushed it out too soon. The foundation was there, but there were two many bugs and half baked systems that means that no matter how good the foundation was, the gameplay loop suffered, and immersion was killed.

It was never a bad game, it was a brilliant game made with love and passion, pushed out before it was done.

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capitalist arguments that profit motive is necessary for innovation and technological advancement

I don't know who is arguing this because it's incredibly stupid. The greatest scientific minds of history, the mathematicians, the physicists, the inventors, were not capitalists, they're people with passion for their work.

If we move to a society that guarantees basic human needs and good education, we're only going to have more scientists and engineers that progress technology even faster.

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Elon Musk has completely loss the plot.

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The double dipping is referring to doing both jobs simultaneously. Like two remote jobs and you have both work laptops open, so between two jobs you can work 40 hours per week but be paid for 80. It's distinctly different from clocking in for one job, then clocking out and going to another job and clocking in for that job.

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Drink a verification can of Mountain Dew to continue pumping gas.

Yeahhh, he's like "everything was taken out of context to smear me", he shows the context and it doesn't make him look any better.

It's a shame bc I really wanted to get into hyprland, but I won't get involved with a project that is okay harassing people for being trans.

They weren't making a point, they were parroting a cliche that they've used so many times before, that they don't even wait for the proper context before reusing it again.

It's 3 clicks to install AdBlock on Firefox mobile and that alone instantly makes it superior to Chrome.

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If a bar is consistently serving alcohol to minors, it deserves consequences.

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Or a pastor so the church can relocate them to a fresh batch of victims.

Hotels require a vastly more dense plumbing structure, I don't think it's easy or cheap to retrofit onto an office building.

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The answer to the question "do Nazis self reflect" is no.

Pre-internet fog of war was on a whole different level; it's not like Anne Frank was positing tiktoks from inside Germany explaining what was happening.

Modern day corporations have no such excuse.

If money is imaginary then why can't we guarantee food, shelter, clothing, and education for every single human on this planet.

It's 35m deep - for comparison recreational scuba divers go up to 30m deep and professional scuba divers up to 60m deep.

It will have to be well engineered and difficult to repair compared to a land facility, but nothing compared to like the space station.

Very cool idea, after 25 years there should be significant cost savings overall.

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Oh my god watching these campaign think tanks try to replicate the trump nicknaming makes my sides hurt.

Republicans are like high school football players, they peaked in 2016 and can't get past trying to live the glory days again.

The real question is has Putin given up on trying to call them Nazis, or are we supposed to believe Ukrainians are super gay Nazi soldiers now.

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John Oliver is doing a hell of a lot more to help than internet self-styled "revolutionary leftists" are.

Call me a dirty communist but I think education should be accessible to all regardless of socio-economic status.

A well educated population is better for Democracy, better for the human species and society.

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It's charitable to call them babies. They're liars.

How do they want to change elections? Are they asking for more election security? NO. They're calling to raise the voting age to 25.

They know they can't win a fair election. They don't want a fair election. They will throw out Democracy for power. They won't ever admit it, so they lie, and they recognize their in-group when they see other liars.

Collective ownership of communism gonna start looking a lot less scary to everyone when they own nothing anyway.

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Comcast voted the most hated company in 2017 Comcast?

Tremendous, very smart people are saying it's the biggest change we've ever seen. Nobody has ever seen the numbers this high before. The best people are saying we have the highest numbers. Isn't that something?

Chalk another one up for right wing hypocrisy, I suppose...

The only right wing value is the acquisition of power and influence, that's why they don't hold to any position, they will just stand wherever benefits them the most in that moment.

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I mean, it's basically a cheap smartphone or computer tablet, with a lower resolution, but nice quality screen, and a giant volume spinner. $100 does not get you much at all in the phone and tablet space. I don't think there's much of any profit margin, if at all for it.

Actually their belief in inversely proportional to proof. The more proof you have, the less they believe it. The less proof you have, the more you believe it.

Be disappointed, because many of them are real people.

Funny that I was just watching Bill Burr on Conan say the same thing about Steve Jobs like 15 years ago. People treat him like he's Nikola Tesla level inventor, but he's really just ordering around the nameless/faceless engineers who do the actual invention.

I think collectively we're getting burned out on hero worship or the lone genius myth. Every advancement is a collective effort.

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Imagine if the average home was $114,290 adjusted for inflation.

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You're basically just criticizing capitalism for being stupid and inefficient, and I 100% agree with you.

The shouldn't vote and let God take care of the election.

Bourgeois solidary does not know national borders.

A bunch of people contributing a little bit each month would also be huge:


  • I'm not associated with the dev team, but I use Godot for my projects and send back some money voluntarily
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Are roads magic things that appear for free out of thin air?

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A riot is the language of the unheard.

The protests in Iran over the Hijab got overwhelming support on Reddit last year.

Authoritarian Middle East is bad. Authoritarian China is bad.

This is suuuper cool, but looks like having linux+amdgpu limits me to the cloud option.

I supposed this is bc we don't have a DirectML equivalent yet.

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