Businesses can discriminate against their customers? Alright then... to Malicious – 2111 points –

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In theory yes, but what's going to happen now, is 2 obviously gay men will go to that Muslim baker and ask for blank cake they will decorate themselves and Muslim will ask them to leave.

And if that was the case and they wanted to pursue their legal options, they could sue the baker.

They could. And theyll probably have too. The problem with this law is it really sets the tone and reinforces peoples shitty views.

I definitely agree that stupid people are stupid, and they will either intentionally or unintentionally misunderstand the ruling and skew it to their messed up views. It doesn’t make SCOTUS wrong in this case though.

So can the wedding website designer be sued for not selling them a generic wedding website with no mention of them being gay, that they could fill in themselves?

From my understanding, that would be a different case entirely. So yeah, they could be sued.