The price of a cinema ticket in this day and age. No wonder people aren't going to the cinema anymore.

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Mildly – 1097 points –

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Something tells me this was an imax or dolby theatre. In which case, of course the tickets are more expensive.

I always was confused why Imax places built 20 years ago still have such a premium. Does the Imax light cost more? I get that the Imax movie data costs more but I can't see the rational for double the ticket price.

The equipment (projectors/sound system) is better/more expensive. The imax/Dolby theatres themselves are also sometimes higher quality than standard format theatres.

But how does a cost years ago (the better projectors/sound system) somehow mean the cost is higher today then when built? I remember paying maybe 15% more for Imax 15 years ago and now they are double. I get costing more but when normal tickets are $20 and Imax are $36 it seems they have lost their mind.