The Civic Genie appears and will instantly pass three pieces of legislation in your town. (Not state or federal) What laws will you choose? to Ask – 117 points –

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all rentals must offer an option to build equity and own the dwelling in at most 35 years.

incorporate as a city with municipalities sharing the same school district.


edit: fuck those downvotes are fast. I guess some people love landlords and Israel.

No downvotes here. If anything I feel like if you're getting genie laws then the first one could be more ambitious.

i live in something like a resort town. the property is impossibly expensive, and the rent is punitive. i don't want the looky-loos feeling too compelled to stick around, but people who work here should be able to afford to live here. i wrote my real wish.

Sure, you're right people should be able to afford to live where they work. Why not something like, "all revenue from rental properties is taxed at 50% and put into a social housing development fund"?

Your genie wishes your call, of course. Just that's what I meant about more ambitious

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