Fry wonders to Futurama – 160 points –

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Lemmy feels more like Reddit used to. Still rough around the edges, but with less... pressure?

Fewer bots, no advertising, less uhh... I'm gonna call it gentrification.

It's like visiting that same shitty dive bar in your home town that will never die, when everything else has changed.

I much prefer this, but I can see why people would want something more polished.

I think reddit gentrifying is a great way to putting it. Even if the 3PAs weren't killed, reddit had a lot of issues. I was getting really sick of the 300k karma farma bots regurgitating content all the time. I much prefer to see regular people regurgitating content on a smaller scale with no competitive ranking. Karma was cool when it wasn't farmed like plasma on a stallion ranch.

The boy thing is huge too, on Reddit there are your typical reposti-bots but also the weird comment bots people have created, and I don’t mean the Obi-Wan bots and stuff like that, but the weirder ones that steal other peoples comments, or have interactions. Kinda gives me the creeps.

Rough around the edges is part of what makes it feel like reddit used to 😅

I like how there's less people here, they seem to act more like people.

On reddit I can go to the Scotland subreddit and look at a post about local politics and is the comments there's massive arguments about transgenders or Donald Trump for some reason.