Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution to World – 323 points –
Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution

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I have no idea what "camping " means to you, but I can tow a pop up camper with my Impreza.

Wait till they find out it's also damn near just as easy to go camping with a bicycle. Not the solution for every one or every climate, but it's certainly viable for many.

I live in a very camping friendly part of the US, but I'd have to be a hell of a lot more fit than I am now to even consider trying to bike to a place where camping is permitted, unless you count the local homeless encampments.

It definitely varies on locale for sure. Where I live (BC) it isn't much more to do, but still isn't for everyone. Just to tack on to that as well, good transit options for the first leg of the trip is a massive help.