Indians and Pakistanis, do you think partition was a mistake? What do you think should have happened? to Ask – 43 points –

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Oh hey, it's a hornets nest! Let's give it a shake and see what happens!

It's a legit question.

Don't worry, I know it's a sensitive question and I'm not saying it's a shit one.

I was saying a couple of things at once.

  1. It's basically what the British were thinking/doing
  2. It takes a certain size of iron balls to ask Indians/Pakistanis a question like this

I've seen both indians and Pakistanis complain about how it was done but they also admit there was no way to do it cleanly and the religious differences would eventually spill over politics and cause the territory of India/Pakistan to be as unstable as the middle east

It’s a legit answer. Sounds like their answer is yes it was a mistake, and the implied thing to be done instead is to leave it alone