1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just because a few people got lucky...? My dude, instead of parroting media talking points do the reading so you know what's actually keeping folks holding the stock.

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Talking points: That bunch of retail traders made a bad choice and ego won't allow them to bail out. That it was 'luck' for a few people a few years ago.

It may have been a bad choice for you and that's why I wonder why you posted what you did instead of your own opinion baked through your own experience. More powerful words generally come from personal experience.

I'm not here arguing with you about the stock, it being a good/bad investment isn't what I'm on about. I guess I'm more hung up on why you said what you did.

Like, what was it that compelled you to post such a banal response to this post? It's so sad that people are holding stock in a company with a ton of cash, a motivated and aligned management team, and very little debt?

Sounds like you're painting a brush and saying that any person holding Gamestop makes you sad. It's a pretty broad assertion that, honestly, feels like it has a story behind it.

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Thanks for following up and sharing this; sincerely. There's not enough of this kind of emotive sharing with Gamestop. I agree that a lot of the 'movement' borders on being cult like in the blindly following kind of way.

I touch base on reddit monthly or so to keep tabs because the same thing you find sad, I find absolutely fascinating. All the dynamics at play...from shifts in sentiment, conspiracy-style interlopers, systemic corruption to the highest levels of bureaucracy, and sometimes actual information about the mechanics lubricating the movement of stocks and money.

I've been told I'm an emotionless rock though, so it might account for our differing perspectives on how people spend money.

This brand of positivity you're embodying is the most infectious one, and if I can feel it in your writing I imagine hearing it spoken from you would be some next level inspiration.

I've lost some people close to me over the years and what saddens me most is how I've forgotten so much about them beyond what they looked like. All of them except one....Gordon left behind audio recordings as his last messages to each of us in the group of friends.

Every time I hear his voice, it brings back so much about him that just can't be said. His cadence, intonation, and overall manner of speaking have helped keep an entire person in my memory.

I wonder if that's an option for you. I can say from experience that the lasting impact of audio is...powerful. Being able to actually hear my friend...i can imagine him speaking to me, and it's in his voice because his voice is not forgotten.

Your family hearing your thoughts, in your voice.....and being able to hear you speak long after your, I can't think of a better way to highlight your true personality and make it a lasting one.

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It hurts when IP

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I literally just finished reading this piece, and it provides so much context to this ridiculousness

I've got two kids, roughly the same age as your niece and nephew. For a while I thought along the same lines as you, and was perpetually trying to find ways to distract one so the other has room to grow. It took some hard lessons, and looking around and seeing other people struggling with similar difficulties; what i eventually figured out is that we tend to underestimate what the younger child is capable of because we tend to see them through the lens of "older vs younger".

Once i got rid of that lens, I was just about shocked to see how hard my youngest pushes himself to do the things his older sister is doing. He's doing things now that my daughter at the same age wasn't able to; and I wonder how much of that is a function of her capabilities vs limitations I imposed on her based on a series of assumptions.

My advice to you, don't differentiate too much; you'll be very much surprised by what the little one is capable of. It WILL take more than an attempt or two, but if you're able to stick through and watch how your nephew behaves you'll most likely notice some mimicry and very concerted attempts to be able to do what his older sister is doing. Sometimes he'll be successful and they'll both play/do the thing together. Other times, he's won't, he'll get frustrated, then he may act out; and on some occasions he'll just get bored and this is where you'll need to do some entertaining for a few minutes so he doesn't go right to his sister to try and get her to stop doing the thing he can't do (yet).

The side benefit of this is that once established, you'll be able to dedicate one-on-one time to each as you see fit without feelings of unfairness or one feeling left out. In essence, don't hold him back; pull him along and he'll push himself forward to match his sister.

Kids are people too, drunk people, but people none the less.

Of the mess, no. But here's a pic of Satan's abomination...

It's basically tiny styrofoam balls that stick together, I think it's mostly static electricity holding it together. Once you open the package, and start manipulating the biodiversity hazard, it leaves little pieces of itself everywhere.

Much like herpes, and just as welcome. In my case, Satan was feeling extra cute so there was glitter mixed into the packaged santorum.

It's now day 6 after opening and I guarantee I'll find little purple and pink assholes around my house

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I love this game! I used to play it all the time back in the day...

  • maybe they're holding a sumo wrestler training camp?
  • or possibly training for the hobbyhorse championships?
  • they could be amateur wine makers and they're stomping grapes?
  • they might just be working on their sweet parkour moves?
  • it's possible that they're working on their MMA game?
  • slim odds, but they may be anthropophobic and love a good game of bocce?
  • they're perpetually stuck on the P90X plyometrics workout?
  • you live below Kriss Kross and they're reliving the glory days?

Edit: in all honesty, some people have just never learned the toe->heel method of walking so they clod around like horses

When it comes time for the conversation, and if it's a paid sick day; remember that it's part of your compensation package and you're entitled to use it. Would you feel guilty about cashing your paycheck?

Don't apologize for being sick and needing a day; take the mindset that they should be glad it's just a day because let's face it, no one gets back to 100% after one day.

Be human, man. Be kind to yourself.

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Oh hey, it's a hornets nest! Let's give it a shake and see what happens!

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Shareholders aren't the same as stakeholders. Shareholders are always stakeholders, but stakeholders aren't always share holders.

Stakeholders are people with any kind of interest in the company doing well, this includes people like employees, suppliers, and customers. Basically anyone that benefits from a business doing well.

I feel like he might be arguing for the kind of change that the current "anything to keep the stock price going up so the shareholders stay happy" model desperately needs.

Probably a bunch of lipservice to keep shareholders happy by addressing risk that they all foresee....namely the shifting temperament towards large corporations by the people who's value is being stolen for shareholders gains.

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Yep, you got it. Tax credits for things like RnD and green initiatives, depreciation of assets like buildings and machinery , and the evergreen strategy of exploiting tax loop holes

Congratulations! ...about the newborn, not the amount of poop (though that's also a good sign!)

Say what you mean; mean what you say.

No idea where I heard or read it, but preteen me internalized it and it's become part of my creed to this day

Don't worry, I know it's a sensitive question and I'm not saying it's a shit one.

I was saying a couple of things at once.

  1. It's basically what the British were thinking/doing
  2. It takes a certain size of iron balls to ask Indians/Pakistanis a question like this

Can confirm. That sparkly styrofoam stuff became a huge mess approximately 5min after opening.

Kudos to your foresight, and congratulations for the free time you saved by not cleaning up this pink and purple bullshit

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That if I touch myself down there I feel funny. Haven't stopped since

I think an annual "we took this much marketshare away from reddit" component would be great.

Honestly, the best way to lower your intake of sugar isn't to replace it with a different sweetener. In most cases, you'll find its not an adequate 'replacement' because psychologically, looking for a direct analog (or super close in taste at the minimum).

It's the habit that needs to change, not the way you scratch the itch. I'm not a fan of absolutes, so I don't think an intention of "no more refined sugar. Period." is practical or reasonable. But cutting down how much you intake by reducing the frequency, that'll do wonders for you.

This method is what kick started my journey down this same path. You can still have sugar (yay!), but you most likely won't want to very often after not too long (wtf?).

It is so mind bottlingly crazy how much sugar is in literally everything from breads to sauces. Once I cut down how much sugar I was taking in (by cutting down how often I had a sweet drink of any kind, one drink at a time), I could taste the sweetness in food at restaurants, savory stuff from the bakery...I couldn't escape it.

Now, I'll have a couple of sweet drinks in a day. I control how much sugar I put in by not buying sweet drinks and instead making stuff at home. Coffee, flavored water, etc.

Long story short...

There is NO great methadone for refined sugar. If you want to reduce how much you're ingesting, reduce the frequency. Be kind to yourself by setting reasonable, bite-sized goals so that the achievement encourages you to continue on and make more progress.

Anything in moderation; nothing in excess

By being overqualified for handshakes and using that as a power move to establish dominance via awkwardness

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Hahaha regional dialect!

Gemini - your FBI agent goes to therapy because of you


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The very first thing I do whenever I move into a new place is get things on the wall. Floating shelves and framed pictures especially. I usually just buy cheap frames that I think look good.

Without exception, people normally comment that the place looks lived in despite there being boxes all over the place. The trick, as I've found, is to make your home look the way you want. It's your space, and if it's your space you can decorate it how you like and it can't be "wrong". The decorating style speaks to your style and your own flairs and personality will come through. Do what's pleasing to your eye.

Personally, knick-knacks and some books, old DVDs of favorite movies, travel (or other) mementos, and small plants on the shelves seal the deal for me. For pictures and other framed pieces, my aesthetic leans towards semi-chaos looking. No neat rows and columns on the wall. I just throw things up and move them around as I see fit.

Don't sweat the details, there is no "wrong" when it comes to personal preference for your living space. Make some tiny holes in the wall for your "pieces of flair" and don't worry, they can be fixed or filled in as needed.

If that's all still too much, get some houseplants and spread them around your home.

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It's relative. If you've seen people around you being abused you become a little desensitized to what 'abuse' is. If abuse is normal every day living for one person, and not for another; the later sees it as abuse and the former sees it as another normal day.

Put yourself in the shoes of a Gaza resident anytime in the last 50+ years and consider yourself lucky that your reality allows you to be able to identify an atrocity when you see one.

Consider the reality these people have experienced for generations before leveling judgement on their opinions.

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Shameless plug in coming.. !

More than just cover songs; we also try to find covers where the original has been re-imagined or adapted. If you think you might like some genre-bending in your life, come check us out

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My guy here is hotboxing the shower or having an aneurysm in it. You need help bro?

I think it stands to reason that on particular levels you're aligning yourself with "them". But... that's the whole point of empathy...its only when you see pieces of yourself in others that you can empathize with their existence or experience.

I guess its the human tragedy....we're all so much alike in our struggles, it's just the theatres that are different. But for some, that difference is enough to obscure the mirror and people see a monster where its just a reflection.

He’s hosed next year if he said that

I honestly wish it was as hands down as that. What he said appeals to exactly the kind of people it was directed at....and there are so SO many of those people out there. Majority? I don't know; and that in itself is a should be absolutely obvious that a significant majority of people aren't aligned with him. But its not.

I'll betcha this ends up working to his advantage somehow.

fucking depressed myself with my own comment. I'm going to go take an Ace Ventura style shower

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I think from a global general-population perspective, if things don't go the right way there are going to be some very angry and disillusioned people. People who are already teetering on the brink of going from abject frustration to full-on rage. For one side, nothing short of a cease-fire will do (as a bare minimum); for the other side, anything imposed on them is a crime against humanity.

I feel like UN/ICJ know this, so they'll hedge their bets and swing for the middle. No matter which way it goes, some chunk of the general population is going to be let-down. Again.

Until I read your comment I was going to say that the most downvote-able comment in this thread would simultaneously be the most upvoted comment.

But damn, thanks to you I've been proven wrong. So I have that going for me, which is nice.

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Can confirm.

Can confirm.

My man over here living their best life inside the matrix

Anyone else feel like this is a powder-keg waiting to blow up? πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

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Beat winter?? Nah man, it's more like survive winter. Personally, I avoid that asshole if I can and go somewhere where his white bullshit can't be found.

Failing that...I basically just turn into a miserable fuck. There's a kind of freedom you don't normally get to taste; bitter like the winter winds, and as delicious AND angry as the 7th bag of sour candies

Remember when just about every government employee was carrying around a BlackBerry device for official business?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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I think telekinesis is the way to go.

  • You can only fly so high before the cold or lack of oxygen get you.
  • Poo is technically not part of me, so you'd see shit floating around when the rest of me is invisible.
  • Speed is only good until you need to turn, and i see no mention of an adamantium skeletal system.
  • Moving all kinds of shit with my mind? I'll be over here not jerking off with this empty velvet glove
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Man, just that word brings back memories of Hardees. Along with the usual red and yellow sauces, they had a third sauce...a white one. Me, thinking it was mayo, loaded up two of those little white paper cups and sat down with my burger and curly fries.

I should preface by mentioning that I love me some crispy curly fries with gobs of mayo...took one massive dip followed by an expectant bite and I'm like 90% positive that my face showed the entire range of reactions starting from "yo, wtf is in my mouth?", moving along to "this is NOT mayo!", detouring briefly to "what kind of sadist fucks with the mayo container", reaching "what is this spicy orgy in my mouth?!", and shortly after landing on a new all time favourite dipping sauce.

Love that horseradish.

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