Spotify doesn't make profit from music streaming, despite having over 400M monthly active users, because it pays two-thirds of all its revenue to the rights holders. to – 550 points –
Why Spotify Struggles to Make Money from Music Streaming

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Spotify is definitely not the villain here, they have created the best music streaming platform in the world. The big publishers also can't be called the villains per say, but it wasn't so nice of them to force a small startup (Spotify in it's early days) to sign contracts that will permanently force it to payout about $0.66 out of every $1 it makes.

The most popular musoc streaming service. Definitely not the best. They still don't offer lossless musoc streaming and their lossy files use an outdated encoder.

The "best music platform in the world" sure hates paying artists, tho. I know you are obsessed with labels, they pay indie artists fuck all too