How to disable firefox relay? to – 32 points –

Firefox just suggested I should use firefox relay. I don't mind suggesting that and do a little advertisement. BUT I have protonpass installed which should do that job. Firefox interferes with my browsing which isn't nice.


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Apparently, when the box is not ticked, it doesn't mean that everything within the box is unticked and disabled. When the box is not ticked, you just can't switch their state anymore.

Bug or on purpose?

Anyway, you have to enable asking, then unticking the relay box and then you can disable asking again.

I'm fairly sure that that's unintentional behaviour. I reported it here, but if you have additional info to share there (e.g. your browser version), that would be fantastic:\_bug.cgi?id=1870820

Wow! Thqnj you!

Unfortunately I am away from keyboard til Winter solstice. It's the latest flatpak, i.e. 120 . 121 j usda t got released,,,,, that's unlikely it.