The RAM sticks I just bought off eBay to Mildly – 411 points –

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This is actually a new build I just made with a Libreboot motherboard. I'm trying to turn it into a gaming computer, it ran GTA V at 70-80FPS, all high settings, at 1440p. It was working flawlessly, and for some reason now its not I suppose due to the RAM.

But even with this RAM, in the beginning it was working just fine until yesterday I started noticing more stuttering. Vulkan shaders might be interfering, but I did enable them to process in the background and to save the cache but nope, still stuttering.

I was hoping to do a benchmark video for people tonight but I'll have to wait until later next week.

Cool. You might check and double check the RAM timings. My machine did not like to run at 1600.

Looks like there's actually a stuck bit in those memory values. Might be more than just an unstable clock.

I really only know enough about hardware to get by. I am working through nand2tetris though.