A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage.

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 163 points –
A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage.

A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage.::The flight system allows a plane to be remote operated by a pilot on the ground, which could streamline pilot airline operations in the future.


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One solution to this would be having humans in the board room instead of parasites. Not sure who’s idea that was

board room filled with parasites

"Ssssss, the humanssss are coming for our jobssssss!"