Does a post's upvote count span across instances or is it just points from the instance you're viewing? to No Stupid – 152 points –

E.g. If I were to share an image of a doggo on and then people from upvote it, will it count those upvotes? The answer to this one seems pretty easy to reason that it would be yes.

But what about if i'm on and am subscribed to !awesomecommunity@sh.itjustworks and I see it in my "subscribed" feed? Does this reflect total points across the lemmiverse or will this just show upvotes from


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I don't actually know how it works so I'll just assert my understanding and if I'm wrong hopefully someone knowledgeable shows up and teaches us both something.

From what I understand, in your described setup, only sh.itjustworks keeps track of the votes on "awesomecommunity". Other instances, e.g., get the count from the community's home server. Other instances send their votes and comments to the home server, which is responsible for keeping track of everything.

I'm confident at least 20% of that is accurate, give or take 25%.

It's pretty much this. So the instance the group is on, is the controller of the group. Posts from that instance or others are sent there and that instance distributes the posts and comments to other instances with users subscribed.

Likes work just the same, you click a like, your instance sends that like to the controller instance and that then sends those likes out to subscribed instances.

It doesn't always happen in real time though.