Is it just me or did anyone else became a more avid poster since joining lemmy? to No Stupid – 1867 points –

On reddit I was a lurker that posted like once or twice a year, but ever since joining lemmy I've started posting multiple times a day.


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I love that a service that isn't making a buck off of us gets levels of engagement that for-profit social networks would kill for.

This is happening because:

  • Novelty, because new is fun. This will go down over time.
  • The most passionate users are more likely to be early adopters. More casual users are coming.
  • Smaller network means your content is less likely to be covered before. This factor will go down over time.
  • Fediverse encourages multiple related communities, which means your specific contributions are more likely to be seen by other users.
  • Lack of bots/astroturfing leads to more positive interactions. Bots will likely increase over time.

Therefore, I expect engagement will go down over time, but I am hopeful it will reach a higher point of stability because the fediverse design seems better at getting more varied content seen by its users, and it makes it harder for a small group of people or posts to dominate the discussion space.

PS: Anybody know how to add a space after the last bullet in a list?

  • This

  • is

  • a

  • list

with a space

edit - no it isn't.