How do you think social media platforms should work? to Ask – 50 points –

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I don't care about "freedom" that's actually used for harassing and killing innocent people. Saving people's life, like the life of that young woman, should be priority in all cases. All kinds of social media that don't comply should be banned. I'm really serious on this take. Go have your freedom in your island country all alone instead.

Anonymity swings both ways here. It saves lives of people posting for advice on how to leave abusive partners, of people in unsupportive environments forming community and kinship, and of people who need help but are too ashamed to attach it to their name.

I’ve known people harassed to suicide, and I’ve known people whose online activities were exposed to abusers they can’t escape who were then driven to suicide for it. I support anonymity, but I’ve dealt with the dark side of it, including years long harassment campaigns

the result would be a total police state. I understand you don't care about freedom. I do.

That's not freedom, that's unregulated communication mediums being exploited to harass and kill. Do you really rather innocent people dying? If I was a politician, I would be definitely fighting for better regulation of social media to save lives.