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My experience using docker on windows has been pretty awful, it would randomly become completely unresponsive, sometimes taking 100% CPU in the process. Couldn't stop it without restarting my computer. Tried reinstalling and various things, still no help. Only found a GitHub issue with hundreds of comments but no working workarounds/solutions.

When it does work it still manages to feel... fragile, although maybe that's just because of my experience with it breaking.

You can cap the amount of cpu/memory docker is allowed to use. That helps a lot for those issues in my experience, although it still takes somewhat beefy machines to run docker in wsl

When it happens docker+wsl become completely unresponsive anyway though. Stopping containers fails, after closing docker desktop wsl.exe --shutdown still doesn't work, only thing I've managed to stop the CPU usage is killing a bunch of things through task manager. (IIRC I tried setting a cap while trying the hyper-v backend to see if it was a wsl specific problem, but it didn't help, can't fully remember though).

This is the issue that I think was closest to what I was seeing

My workaround has been to start using GitHub codespaces for most dev stuff, it's worked quite nicely for the things I'm working on at the moment.