
1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What sort of features 🤔

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Yeah, there currently seem to be a bunch of rough edges with Lemmy. Another is that iirc editing a comment increases the comment count shown on a post.

Nothing that can't be fixed though, and it's encouraging how good Lemmy feels already compared to reddit (for me at least).

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Haha, got a "network error" on my first attempt so clicked send again, I guess it did go through the first time after all :D

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(for anyone wondering, a monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors)

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Of the 1,723 adults surveyed across the UK, 73% said technology companies should, by law, have to scan private messaging for child sexual abuse and disrupt it in end-to-end encrypted environments.

Found this interesting. I found the survey results here: https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/68pn2b6b57/NSPCC_OnlineSafetyBill_230427_W.pdf

The exact question I believe is being referred to was:

And do you think technology companies should or should not be required by law to use accredited technology to identify child sexual abuse in end-to-end encrypted messaging apps?

This seems like a really bad question, since it implies a coexistence of end to end encryption and big tech companies being able to read people's messages, which doesn't really make sense (or at least requires more clarification on what that would mean). The question as it is is basically "do you think child sexual abuse is bad".

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I wish I could have extensions default to off and be able to turn them on selectively on sites. For things like darkreader I don't want to use it 90% of the time so it shouldn't need to have at access to site data.

By the way, I don't like the title of this article, how is it done "remotely", it's just a list in about:config, no? Sounds clickbaity.

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I think calling it just like a database of likely responses is too much of a simplification and downplays what it is capable of.

I also don't really see why the way it works is relevant to it being "smart" or not. It depends how you define "smart", but I don't see any proof of the assumptions people seem to make about the limitations of what an LLM could be capable of (with a larger model, better dataset, better training, etc).

I'm definitely not saying I can tell what LLMs could be capable of, but I think saying "people think ChatGPT is smart but it actually isn't because <simplification of what an LLM is>" is missing a vital step to make it a valid logical argument.

The argument is relying on incorrect intuition people have. Before seeing ChatGPT I reckon if you'd told people how an LLM worked they wouldn't have expected it to be able to do things it can do (for example if you ask it to write a rhyming poem about a niche subject it wouldn't have a comparable poem about in its dataset).

A better argument would be to pick something that LLMs can't currently do that it should be able to do if it's "smart", and explain the inherent limitation of an LLM which prevents it from doing that. This isn't something I've really seen, I guess because it's not easy to do. The closest I've seen is an explanation of why LLMs are bad at e.g. maths (like adding large numbers), but I've still not seen anything to convince me that this is an inherent limitation of LLMs.

Yeah they've put them in a couple places, It's pretty bad. Had to work out how to create a custom uBlock Origin rule to block them.

🎵 You start a conversation, you can't even finish it 🎵

(because you reached your daily tweet view limit)

My experience using docker on windows has been pretty awful, it would randomly become completely unresponsive, sometimes taking 100% CPU in the process. Couldn't stop it without restarting my computer. Tried reinstalling and various things, still no help. Only found a GitHub issue with hundreds of comments but no working workarounds/solutions.

When it does work it still manages to feel... fragile, although maybe that's just because of my experience with it breaking.

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Ah, that's too boring. I have a range of responses to pick from to keep things interesting:

  • LGTM
  • Nice
  • Looks good
  • Thanks
  • Looks great
  • :thumbsup:
  • Looks good to me
  • :shipit:

For me, no text means "I haven't really reviewed this properly so don't want to write anything that could be used against me if (when?) this breaks something in prod"

At least the last season of scrubs was a different enough setting/cast, so even though it was definitely not as good, it didn't "ruin" it for me like some other series that have gone on too long.

It's difficult to build a high speed railway without making it go through some green space, so environmentalists won't always be happy :P

One thing that I wish hadn't carried over from Reddit 😩

Speak for yourself

I use VSCode with config options to disable telemetry. Probably not perfect but good enough for me, I'm very happy using VSCode

When it happens docker+wsl become completely unresponsive anyway though. Stopping containers fails, after closing docker desktop wsl.exe --shutdown still doesn't work, only thing I've managed to stop the CPU usage is killing a bunch of things through task manager. (IIRC I tried setting a cap while trying the hyper-v backend to see if it was a wsl specific problem, but it didn't help, can't fully remember though).

This is the issue that I think was closest to what I was seeing https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/12968

My workaround has been to start using GitHub codespaces for most dev stuff, it's worked quite nicely for the things I'm working on at the moment.

To be fair, it's no worse than articles some people write on those nonsense websites.

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Last time I checked companies don't share backdoors they've added in release notes.

I'd be happy if we'd just accepted "referer" as the correct spelling for everything, but instead we have the "Referrer-Policy" header, so now I need to check the correct spelling for anything involving referring..

I do sort of like the idea that because we want to keep backwards compatibility on software we just change the language instead since that's easier.

Thanks for the info on crossposting! I thought I'd seen someone mention a cross posting feature but couldn't see any button to do it. I'm using the Jerboa app on Android which I guess doesn't have that button, but I see it on the website now as you say.

It's also good to know that linking to the original URL is generally better and the rest can be handled by the UI - that does seem nicer.

I don't really understand AdNauseam. Can't they also not build a profile with a normal ad blocker, but you also completely avoid interacting with the trackers (so better for performance, data usage, etc)?

One thing that I wish hadn't carried over from Reddit 😩

It probably really depends on the project, though I'd probably try and start with the tests that are easiest/nicest to write and those which will be most useful. Look for complex logic that is also quite self-contained.

That will probably help to convince others of the value of tests if they aren't onboard already.

Well I kept using it until Infinity died, which was only at the start of this month!

If I do decide to go back, it will be by compiling the infinity APK with my own API key, but I'm not feeling much of an urge to bother at the moment.

Not entirely related, but I wonder how things like Lemmy/mastodon/other fediverse things compare to Reddit/twitter in terms of search engine indexing. Would posts like this even be indexed? Since posts are accessible through many instances would it be indexed multiple times? Would this affect ranking?

The feeling of the word depends on the feeling of the community, so as long as the community is nice we should be good.

Lemmy still feels pretty niche so I also found it surprising for me, although it probably shouldn't be, there are quite a lot and they have to be somewhere :)

9 minutes 34 of audio bible anyone?? https://youtube.com/watch?v=mdEttg1lN0I

Assuming x and y are totally ordered 🤮

They look like... The wrong trousers

My understanding (from limited knowledge) is that also due to how federation works even if you're instance isn't under too much load, you may notice issues with posts/comments from other instances if they're struggling.

Confusable characters get a little yellow box which is different from the squiggly underlines most linters and stuff use which at least makes it a bit more recogniseable.

Personally I can't stand having underlines all over my code, so I'll usually just "fix" the non-issue if possible, or otherwise just disable whatever the warning is entirely.

What better headline would you propose in this case?

I don't think that rule is valid here, the question isn't there because the answer is definitively "no" and they just want clickbait, it's there because the actual article is about the question.

(Side note: I'm aware most people here will strongly argue that the answer is no, and I agree, but that is not my point.)

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Yeah, there currently seem to be a bunch of rough edges with Lemmy. Another is that iirc editing a comment increases the comment count shown on a post.

Nothing that can't be fixed though, and it's encouraging how good Lemmy feels already compared to reddit (for me at least).

Oops yeah I did

Now you switched when you shouldn't have idiiot