As Twitter flounders, Mastodon refreshes its official app for Android users

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦 to – 898 points –
As Twitter flounders, Mastodon refreshes its official app for Android users

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I'm so confused by comments like this. I use Mastodon every day and it seems pretty active to me.

You probably found a bunch of people with niche (if any) interests and/or friends from Twitter or other social media who are active enough for your feed to be populated. A lot of people use twitter to follow news, celebrities, journalists and shitposting accounts with large following as there's lots of discussions under tweets with massive reach. Most people don't interact themselves at all but just scroll. Mastodon doesn't have these big accounts as of now so there's not much activity for the majority of regular twitter users.

Care to share some tips for someone that's new to Mastodon? I've made an account but I've got nobody to follow on there and trying to discover new people seems fruitless because of how different the search on Mastodon is.

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