Reddit users lost? to No Stupid – 356 points –

Do we at this point have any substantial data on just how many users Reddit actually lost due to this?

Any resources would be greatly appreciated.

As a sidenote, I'll add that they certainly lost my account the second I couldn't use RiF anymore.


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A saw a post a while back commenting on how many upvotes it was taking to get onto the front page of r/all having dropped, but not sure if there is any way to see stats from before API changes now.

One of the people on (I think) modcoord noted that for years reddit has allowed moderators to look at traffic stats for their subreddit. And that the traffic stats are no longer available; the last day they could access was ... June 30.

I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though ...

The other method was looking at how many people are "here now" in each sub