It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. to – 2248 points –

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Ironically, in the past year, one of my employers specifically disallowed Firefox due to a CVE, saying that we were to use Chrome. A Cybersecurity professional once told me that Firefox is frowned upon because of CVEs.

A Cybersecurity professional once told me that Firefox is frowned upon

This has been rampant for years now.

There was a massive movement years ago to get every user on Chrome. Even going so far as to replace all appearances of IE with Chrome, then change the Chrome desktop icon to the IE icon, then tell the users it’s a new better version of IE.

Are you alluding to Edge becoming a chromium fork? Or did some orgs really do this weird icon trickery?

Not orgs,..exactly.

There was a huge push by a lot of IT and tech based people to get behind and push promotion of Chrome over Firefox and IE. FF had its issues at the time and seemingly everyone trusted Google to no end (ashamedly myself included).

I’m gonna say this really started to happen ~2010 or so.

I wish I could find some of the old Reddit threads and memeing that happened surrounding it all.

Things like this were everywhere:

^^^Mobile screenshot for posterity^^^

May I ask what specific CVE and when your professional told you that?

I don't recall the CVE, it was likely months ago, and I wasn't in a position to argue.

The Cyber guy said that a few years ago (3?).