Do you believe Lemmy/Mastodon can become mainstream and fully replace their centralized counterparts? to No Stupid – 959 points –

What the title says. I think there is still a long way for that to happen but i've been hopeful. What do you think?


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How much horrific awkward teenage shit did Reddit have to go through to get where it is now? Bacon narwhals at midnight, rage comics, bullying an uninvolved brown kid into suicide after the Boston bombings, reluctantly removing CP adjacent subs only after being called out on cable news, the /r/fatpeoplehate nonsense, /r/antiwork mod humiliating xirself on Fox News, the woody harrelson rampart ama, fumbling the bag by firing Victoria, probably 20 more.

I wonder how Lemmy will cringe at itself in the 2030's

Something something beans. 🙄

At least we only made some lemmings constipated for three days then a bit gassy from higher than usual beans consumption, right? We're not accusing some random kids as terrorist yet.