No. Greek Semicolons hold no power here. to – 25 points –

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Almost every Microsoft product is horrible. Our company has switched from our internal backoffice for attendance and project time allocation tracking, which was kind of terrible but aside from some slight issues (the only one I can think of being that if you wanted to create a time report for a project you're not on, enabling "all projects" pretty much froze the page for a few seconds, since it was loading hundreds of projects into a single selection box), to O365 Dynamics.

And oh my god it's the worst UX I've EVER seen. Every click takes around 4-5 seconds before the page even loads. You can't simply take project report from a single day, and copy it to the whole week. No, the only thing you can do is duplicate a single record, but you still have to manually change the date in like two fields - wich takes like 15 seconds since everything including a Data Picker takes ages.

It's not intuitive in the slightest. You can't just search for a project somehow easily, you have to open like a million of submenus to find what you need, and if something is missing you have to create a bazillion of different stuff for it before you can even track the time. It takes me literally around an hour to properly log what I was doing during the last month, and I only work part-time, so I only need to report like 10 days.

When we were switching the company was making a pitch about how it gives them more precise data about projects, but everyone I've talk to about it just stopped bothering with precisely recording every hour to a project it belongs, and just groups it up somewhat approximately. I can't imagine having to properly log the 3-5 different projects I work on or am on a meeting for during a single day, just thinking about it makes me want to quit, so I just choose the project I was allocated to for the week and report whole 8 hours to that. Or just group a few hours of overtime into a single random day on a single project.

And it's the same with Microsoft Azure. I've worked with both GCloud and AWS, and nothing was as slow and annoying to use as Azure - but mind you, that was several years ago, it may be better now. But I guess that's the price you pay for having such a large amount of developers. I've heard that they have whole teams for a small subset of features on every products - such as a team responsible only for one screen. That has to be such a mess.

Typescript would like a word. So would VS Code.

They ain't all misses.

Also O365, while convoluted, shouldn't run that shittily, sounds like your hardware/network is dated as f.

ADO is vastly better than it was years ago, the pipeline stuff is a lot slicker.

I concur, VS Code is amazing, I've totally forgotten about that. TypeScript I haven't really used much, so I can't judge that, but now that I think about I do most of my work in C# and don't have anything bad to say about it, so that's also nice.

Most of O365 is fine, while still a little bit slower than anything else, but the Dynamics just isn't responsive no matter what network or hardware I'm on. It's a convoluted CRM. And I do have a new desktop that I bought a few months ago, and 1Gbps network, so none of that should be a factor.

Algebraic types in TypeScript are game-changing. I immediately wanted them in C# for deriving domain models from database entities and then view models from domain models.