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Joined 1 years ago

I fully support this. You do you. It's your computer; you can do what you want with it. Whether you're using it for work or play, if it's the way you like it, then it's not wrong.

The temperature of the ground in some areas of Spain has hit more than 60C [140F] during the deadly heatwave sweeping Europe, satellite recordings have shown.

Temperature records have been broken on most of the continent, including France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, where highs of 40C [104F] were recorded again on Wednesday.

Sicily and Sardinia were forecast to be as high as 48C [118.4F].

These temperatures are no joke. For reference, it was about 48C (119F) in west Texas where the 2 Floridians died a couple weeks back.

Anyone experiencing this kind of heat needs to make it their #1 priority. Stay cool. Stay hydrated. Pay attention to yourself and your loved ones for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

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Thank you! Here's the actual PDF doc of their clarifications and here's the original DSA

The specific language for number of users is:

average monthly active recipients of their service in the Union, calculated as an average over the period of the past six months

And the definition of active recipient:

(p) ‘active recipient of an online platform’ means a recipient of the service that has engaged with an online platform by either requesting the online platform to host information or being exposed to information hosted by the online platform and disseminated through its online interface;

So you just need 45 million EU citizens looking at a platform to qualify as a VLOP. Amazon probably qualifies, but it would be easy for them to prove they were unfairly discriminated against as well.

I'm relatively happy with my System76, but based on your needs you could get a lot of value from a $500 used ThinkPad on Ebay.

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You hear that Venus? We're coming for you!

No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun - for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax - This won't hurt.

Then the sound like someone dropped a heavy book.

When you realize that you should not have smoked before the presentation /s

It is honestly tragic and infuriating to watch elected leaders rot while refusing to stop governing.

Myst, Superhot VR, Beatsabre

"No man can tell you how to live! Live your life how you want to!"


"No! Not like that!"

There have always been women that didn't mind being housewives, and I would certainly love to be a househusband. These people are doing a whole 50's nostalgia thing, which I think is stupid, but I think a lot people and things are stupid, so whatever. You do you.

Next year is going to be fun...

Yeah, this is one of those constant annoyances that you kinda just live with. It doesn't matter that much, because compound words were at some point not one word, and there may be separate words that you use today that will join together during your career. Electronic mail became e-mail became email. As long as the casing doesn't hide the meaning, you're doing it right. Also be consistent. Don't recreate such monstrosities as XMLHttpRequest.

Did the EU even define the term "Very Large Online Platforms"? I think this is the bill, but it doesn't ever define the term. Amazon may be right, purely because the legislators are incompetent idiots.

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lol, it's just meaningless posturing on the Republican's side. The R politicians think that keeping their voters riled up is good, and they'll babble about anything to keep them angry, ready to empty their wallets, and dead-set on voting R. You don't see them talking about Trump's son's drug use, or Trump himself raping people for that matter. They don't care about the law, governing, or the American people. They care about winning, maintaining power, and exercising that power to pursue their (read: their biggest donor's) agenda.

The President could stop this at any time. All he needs to do is pack the court with more justices to rebalance it. Not doing so makes him complicit.

Foot meet mouth. I'm an idiot.

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  1. Code in Emacs or Jetbrains (depends on language and laptop cpu)
  2. Run make to build, run, debug, or clean (I like makefiles for documenting basic tasks)
  3. Commit with git when chunk of work is done

I tend to do everything locally on bare metal. I never liked putting stuff in containers or running a vm.

VS Code is a great editor, though. It actually feels a bit like Emacs.

Yet, we need to continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the women and people demanding the basic rights we take for granted and enjoy every single day.

We must try and save the lives of those sentenced to death by raising the political cost of their executions and making sure that those languishing in prisons are released.

I’m calling on the international community and media to keep shining a spotlight on my country to demand that the regime stops using torture immediately.

Perhaps you didn't understand my comment or the article. The 60C number is, in fact, a meaningless, joke of a number, because they're talking about how hot the ground is. Duh, the ground gets really hot. Be careful walking your dogs, though. Their paws can get severely burned quite quickly.

The heatwave has not hit its peak yet in Spain. That'll be Monday through Wednesday next week. Highs will be around 43C (109F). 40C isn't a big deal to me, but anything higher gets savage fast. The forecasts for Sardinia and Sicily actually aren't as bad as the article predicts (not even hitting 38C/100F), but wunderground could just be inaccurate.

The bottom line for reasonable people is: if you're forecast to get temps above 40C, take it seriously.

Or, like, don't. I don't know you, and I won't be affected by your death, so get fucked or don't. That's on you. You're just some human. You're the lowest form of life on this planet in my eyes, and there are far too many humans already.

Yeah, like some cheese! (I think right now we're just dumping fruits, vegetables, and tofu into the volcanoes to help with their GERD)

Frostpunk is phenomenal! It sucked up all my free time for a couple weeks.

Oxenfree is gorgeous.

Google and Apple tit-for-tat adding features to browsers and the never-finished living standard are the most egregious examples of this. They are very slowly strangling the web to death by making it impossible to make a browser except to increase a large corporation's profits.

Lol, and this is Florida. Insurance there is already a dumpster fire shitshow with the insane levels of fraud. 🍿

Eh. It's one empire these days. Just a big ol' Western hegemony.

EDIT: This video might provide some clarity on where I'm coming from:

The powers that went to war with China over the opium trade are the same; they've just moved into a bigger house across the pond.

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Am I the only one who doesn't care what people put in their bodies? Whether or not he's doing a good job is the only thing that matters to me (although I'd prefer the president was dropping acid and not bombs).

I mainly use ergonomics. I got a chair that works for me, I switched to a Kinesis Freestyle Pro, I switched to a trackball mouse, I raised my monitors up, and if I'm going to be doing a bunch of typing, I throw on wrist braces with aluminum stays.

The split keyboard and better posture were the biggest wins for me. The whole mechanical keyboard fad has been terrible for people's wrists.

Other things I've heard worked for some people that are worth trying: warm gloves or compression gloves. Apparently some people get pain in their wrists from typing in cold environments (like an office). Taking breaks, doing wrist stretches, and having hobbies that use your hands differently can certainly help.

You're right, and I'm an idiot. The US is truly and royally fucked. At this point it's an unsalvageable shit-show slaughter-fest of slavery and oppression.

Won't work. In Texas their God is white.

Who's saying "nuh uh"? It could go both ways.

I'm saying (in winey child voice), "nuh uh! I'm not a communist! I'm an anarcho-blahblahblah, and there are nuanced distinctions between blah blah blah! Nyah!"

Marsupial is saying, "nuh uh! China doesn't blame Western capitalism for the opium trade! They only blame the Brits!"

I have no disagreement that typical "tankies" would call the Five Eyes an empire and Western hegemony, but calling the idea "tankie" is just using a thought-stopper to avoid talking about the idea that empires serve those with power and not the other way around.

And I just fucking disdain fervent communists, so Marsupial struck a nerve. I'd rather be dismissed for what I actually think.

Yeah, I have a couple T420 ThinkPads, and for $100 they're pretty sweet, but they show their age.

The main thing I like is the hardware support. I knew before purchasing that everything would work, and that helped me feel okay dropping a pretty penny on a new laptop. Besides that, I'd say they're fine. They aren't designing and manufacturing their own hardware (at least not back when I bought one); the laptops are pretty standard off-the-shelf stuff. System76 just promises that it'll all work out-of-the-box. I've never used Pop!_OS, so I can't speak to that. Arch and Debian work great, though.

The only negative I can think of is: once the battery started to go after several years, they didn't have a replacement in their store, but because it's a generic laptop, there were new ones available on Amazon. It just would've been nice to get it from System76.

All-in-all, I'm a happy customer. I'm keeping my eye on Framework, though. The MNT Reform is also interesting. I don't like how thick it is, but that's because it uses 18650s for the battery, which would solve the problem of buying a new battery just to find that all the batteries were manufactured at the same time, so there are no working replacements.

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We can only hope the masses are waking up. The migrations, chaos, and death have been a forgone conclusion for a very long time (possibly since Kyoto; certainly since Paris).

Algebraic types in TypeScript are game-changing. I immediately wanted them in C# for deriving domain models from database entities and then view models from domain models.


I love that this implies Visual Studio is not worth its salt, because it most certainly isn't.

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You should check out Jetbrains Rider. It feels like cheating. Or ReSharper if you can't leave VS completely

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