How do I avoid Amazon when orders from other sites get fulfilled by Amazon? to Ask – 101 points –

No one is on Lemmy because they like shitty corps so I need your help

I'm at a loss. Increasingly whenever I order New on eBay or wherever, the order gets fulfilled by Amazon.

When I complain to the site I bought it from they shrug.

I'm regularly paying more for items and still funding an undeniably awful company


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I used to believe this stat too, then I looked it up. AWS is about 12.5% of their income. Online retail is about 50%. Your point still stands though, you can't easily avoid Amazon's revenue stream.

AWS is about 12.5% of their income.

I mentioned revenue, not income. The income from AWS is low because much of the revenue is reinvested in expansion of AWS.

Then we're both wrong. A deeper dive into newer numbers shows AWS REVENUE is 16% (12.5% is a year or two old). online stores REVENUE is 50%. The thing is that online stores recently started losing money so AWS INCOME is currently Amazon's bread winner. (Edit: swipe type spelling mistakes)