3 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Bet they get cancelled after the first boss heyyyoooo (drum drum cymbal sting)

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This worked for me:

  • Start your own subreddit so you're a mod,

  • mark it nsfw,

  • don't need to post anything

and you should be able to access any nsfw in your feed when off-app.

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This is how I've been shopping for years, but not to be woe is me, I'm a wheelchair user with a variety of medical nonsense that keeps me in the house. Trying to shop ethically online used to be feasible, but it's increasingly impossible

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Might've missed it but I haven't seen anyone say "Make it not awful to use"

It's helpful to say that we need better onboarding infographics to simplify explaining how to use Lemmy, but also, Lemmy needs to be easier to use. Finding and following communities is far too complicated.

I come here everyday out of sheer bloody mindedness because I want it to work, not because I enjoy it. Yet.

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My "why has the world gone to shit" was the 2007/8 banking crisis when everyone realised that you could pull off any swindle you wanted and no one would stop you. So everyone did/everyone stopped trying to hide it.

So presumably people older than me would point to the start of Trickle Down Economics, and so on

Everyone has their own "None of this works and it's intentional!" moment

Marlon Brando

After hearing from Maria Schneider, and confirmed by Bertolucci, how he and Brando treated her filming the rape scenes in Last Tango my Brando crush instantly withered on the vine. She was only 19.

I'm the latter. Currently I'm having to use an inflatable bath in my wet room which can only be emptied via a powerdrill-powered water pump into a hose pipe and into the toilet. It's not ideal, ha

and it's filled...with...BEEEEEEEES!

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I used to think orange juice and milk etc should be kept in a jug in the fridge for some reason.

I didn't know it was because they couldn't show packaging on TV.

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Is that BDG and Carolyn Page?

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With you on BotW. Love the dungeons, but in terms of the open world I never felt the oooh, the aaah, the escapism that everyone cooed about etc. Gliding was fun!

Maybe this is because I've never played a Zelda game before so I have no nostalgia attached to it?

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Yup Lemme tell you, adding an extra hour onto what was already a 13hr night shift on hospital wards, for no extra pay, was roooouuugh

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Democracy doesn't need to be over thrown when you can just gradually throw it away

Fuck this

For $1 MorePurpleMoreBetter gives you an incredible PDF that creates D&D character sheets in moments. Priceless.

Drawfee consistently churn out a lot of videos and streams each week so I have no issue tipping them

HBomberGuy donating the proceeds from his latest video exposing plagiarism, with +20M views and took months to research and create, to the people who were stolen from earns him a tip too

I wish you other kinds of human interaction today

Can I ask which one you use? I've heard such horror stories

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(sees comment history)

For real, are you ok?

Wow, Dimension 20 "Burrow's End" is wild

With a mere 243min you can be in the top 2% of Dolly Parton listeners which, tbh, seems low given that she has 16.9M monthly listeners

Team Aphantasia!

"Having an audio book that shifts voices and tone easy but can also include background noises"

That's not what you're going to get. Even with A.I they all requires sound editing and reviewing and fixing errors which all costs money. We already have the tech to do A.I voice acting and I've tried a few. What we'll get is what we have now, a single A.I voice with eerie intonation that modifies some words to their context but not others so it functions for a sentence but cannot emote a paragraph.

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Stop screwing over artists?

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Knitting needles.

Not only have they been essential in breaking the habit of reaching for my phone while I'm meant to be watching my TV/monitor, but I also end up with a practical, useful, personalised product at the end

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Of course they are

Even supporters of these businesses admit that their foundations are entirely dependent upon stolen art, work, labour, time, training, practice etc. Not only would they not function without it, they wouldn't exist without it.

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"separate creator from the art" only works when the creator has passed and no longer benefits from celebrating the art. Arguably not even then.

Wow I kinda assumed they'd done so, but looking at the screenshot you're right

He's a 2nd cousin of her father multiple times removed who she didn't even meet till she was 25. If you want to be mad about something you don't need to make it up, just refer to her war posts

And once you've stopped, listen out for the voice that says "just this once, as a treat, I've been good" because that voice lies

You know what, I should've checked your profile before responding to you and that's on me

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[stares at wheelchair]

"Hey DM, soooo about rerolling stats..."

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I think you're right y'know

But then what

Agreed. But then what?

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Artificers be like

Basically we all need to learn how to hack ourselves.

Whatever that may look like for you is fine, so long as the hacks don't cause secondary problems then whatever works works.

Your Ritual = sit, watch, snack on crap, repeat until ??

So maybe try and replace each bit, one at a time, and see what you can bear to white knuckle long enough for it to transform into an enjoyable habit:

  • Sit -> walk on treadmill / exercise bike / whatever while you watch, or go outside for a walk while you listen to podcasts etc

  • Watch -> listening to podcasts and music or video audio frees up your eyes to be doing a crazy or hobby while you listen. This also means your hands will be occupied and not snacking.

  • Snack -> swap in fresh sweet crunchy veg (carrots, sweet bell pepper etc) or popcorn (no butter ya sneaky bugger) etc

  • Repeat until ??? -> Portion control. You don't take the whole bag of chips out of the kitchen, you take out a small bowl full and that's your limit

Pick whichever one you want.

Change is hard. We kinda hate it. But it's worth it.

Clearly you're not open to facts. You may not like their tone but is any of it untrue?

I get that it must feel uncomfortable to be faced with the concept of consequences when you're having fun, but for someone who's into art you sure seem to hate artists

No I'm saying that when we get a new game changing technology things don't tend to become better produced, they become cheaper to produce cheaply and quality be damned

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I bought a hand spindle and some raw combed fleece...and I wish I knew how to use the hand spindle hahaha

PicsArt does both those things