How do I avoid Amazon when orders from other sites get fulfilled by Amazon? to Ask – 101 points –

No one is on Lemmy because they like shitty corps so I need your help

I'm at a loss. Increasingly whenever I order New on eBay or wherever, the order gets fulfilled by Amazon.

When I complain to the site I bought it from they shrug.

I'm regularly paying more for items and still funding an undeniably awful company


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Agreed. But then what?

I advise that you just don't give a fuck if the order is coming through Amazon or not. Who's to say whether they're more evil than some other company that might fulfill your order. The thing you're buying was probably made with exploitative labour practices from unethically sourced materials anyway. Simply shipping it to you is probably dependent on a global logistics network of fossil fuels and colonialism.

Just don't think about it. There's no way to buy things in this world and "do good" at the same time.