Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 1676 points –
Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW

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No doubt, but they've really ramped up lately. It's like all the manchildren from t_D suddenly saw their chance to be assholes again without consequence.

The un-moderated right wing shit has been very pronounced on Reddit the last few weeks.

.. because Glorious Leader is a far right wing turd.

Watch r/ conservative and r/ conspiracy become default subs lol

I don't think anyone would even notice next to the garbage that's already served by default on Reddit.

Going to the front page not logged in is like visiting YouTube outside of your account. It's fucking trash.

It’s almost as if making changes that are blatantly hostile to the unpaid group of people who literally keep your site from devolving into a cesspool on a daily basis isn’t the best of ideas…

I look at it this way: it sucks, but it's not surprising - it's expected. There's no reason for them to cater to the users, because that's not how these things work. The people who made this decision

(a) mostly care about money

(b) were obviously willing to lose the favor of Reddit's users for money

(c) have built a platform who's monetization model has become somewhat at odds with what made Reddit good in the first place

(d) are probably going to succeed in making money from Reddit

It's sad, it really sucks. But, there's nothing we can really do about it, apart from things like post memes mocking Spez or making subreddits go "dark".

Neither of those are long term solutions.

I'd rather we moved on and let it go, tbh. We could be doing a lot more

Almost like they're being paid to do it.