Can we settle this: how many holes does a straw have? to Ask – 237 points –

At work we somehow landed on the topic of how many holes a human has, which then evolved into a heated discussion on the classic question of how many holes does a straw have.

I think it's two, but some people are convinced that it's one, which I just don't understand. What are your thoughts?


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Well, depends what you call a hole. Does a glass have a hole? Does a bottle have a hole?

If you said no to both, you mean a topological hole and a straw has one.

If you said yes to one or both of them, you mean a tight opening in which someting can be inserted (yes yes, innuendo). How tight an opening must be to be a hole is arbitrary and subjective, it depends on the person. In this case a straw has two holes.

Continuing on the innuendo: topologically a vagina is not a hole, but a butthole is.

You could argue that a hole is an entrance to a wider space. A door or window is a hole to a room. If you want to know the number of holes in a room, you would at least have to include all the doors and windows.

In this sense, the straw doesn't have a hole at all.

Or maybe it is just one hole.

Did not expect to learn that a butthole is topologically a real hole but I am here for it