Against The Storm v1.1 update is out, improving early game variety and bringing a lot of QoL features

Carighan to – 145 points –
Against the Storm - Update 1.1 available! - Steam News

In short:

  • Unique portraits for all traders
  • New decorations
  • New orders
  • New sound effects
  • Notifications with auto-pause reason
  • New Forbidden Glade icon

Full notes are linked, and they're quite lengthy.


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I really like that you have to take into account what your villagers like and build the city around their needs. It makes choosing the type of buildings exciting every run. And then making sure that the production is fast enough so that the needs are satisfied.

I didn't play the games you mention so I don't know what do you enjoy about them, but for me this game was a fantastic surprise. It somehow gives me the old Warcraft III vibe, without the "building an army" part that I didn't enjoy and was never good at.

It's funny because I do none of that. I never build any of the luxury goods of any kind no coats no beef jerky no special housing. The game is honestly pretty easy to beat the maps, get to building tools as quickly as you can and then just Spam Glades and send crates to the Citadel easy rep points

Wow, it never occurred to me to try that approach. I always focus first on the food and mostly don't even get to building tools, and I find the game really fun and challenging. It's great that you can take so different approaches and still enjoy the game. I'll surely try it out your way, thanks.