How will I find financial stability if I live in a third world country with a toxic sociopathic/narcissistic mother, I have no skills (at least I think so), no time and therefore no money? to No Stupid – 65 points –

I would like to add a description (details), but it would be a very long text.

In short: I have depression, multiple chronic illnesses, C-PTSD, ADHD (btw, I could treat it with Adderall/Adderall XL, but there all drugs are banned, even for medical purposes), no money to rent on my own, poor physical and mental health, some basic things I don't have money for, I don't have a computer and it seems that my laptop will soon broken...

I can’t go to a psychologist because... the quality of education and medicine in this country is terrible, and it’s dangerous to say "everything" here, my mother recently worked, but now she’s left without work and starts doing some kind of crap, she was the one who brought in the income until this time; she feeds me fast food. In this country everyone doesn't give a sh*t about each other, I am surrounded by “broken” people, this is a country full of cynics, sociopaths, and narcissists (consider mentally ill... and genetically defective, apparently).

Like this... I am spoiled, my life and my future are spoiled.


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At first I thought that “developing” countries were “so what? You can still somehow correct the situation and live”... but now I realized that there is simply a gigantic gap between poor and rich countries.

I used to have a bad opinion of some Western countries (not because of RuSSian propaganda, but because of my own thoughts/beliefs), but now I would live in any Western country, not a “developing” one.

Another thing that makes me “cry” is that the West, of course, has its own problems, but these are modern problems of modern society, problems of the 21st century.

But living in RuSSia, my faith in humanity was fading every day (and, which is beneficial for Pootin, toxicity and bitterness were growing) and I began to ask questions, such as: why do we need a state, lawyers, jurists and laws, when the fucking level life is as if you are the first person on the planet who doesn’t know (who doesn’t care) about technology, who doesn’t have clothes and the main thing for him is to find a piece of “bread” in order to survive.

I think you should try to get to Sweden if you can, or Norway which is even better (even richer). Life is good/safe here, even if you only have a basic job.

If there is a war, maybe not so much, but I doubt northern countries gets attacked.

You Europeans underestimate Pootin. Your countries are also ready now (with Poland, at least), and this is the right decision.

By the way, considering the problem with climate change at this time, Pootin was happy to cause mischief in this regard as well.