Is it just me, or have the comments on Lemmy become extra aggressive over the past 3 months? to – 487 points –

I feel like things on Lemmy were pretty chill several months ago, and that’s started to change.

People used to talk each other like they would talk to a neighbor. Now I get the sense that people have become quick to be negative, attack, and not be constructive.

Am I crazy in feeling like the vibe has changed?


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Please don't. Join another instance, run your own, whatever. We need more canapés!

Ha ha I wish—that’s one of the few things I left up that didn’t get completely bombed by a hostile user and their 8 alt accounts. All I said in a comment was that women should be allowed to play video games without the expectation of being hit on my random men, but I guess that’s an unpopular opinion 🤷‍♂️. No more content from me lol.

Couple of things.

  • There's some quote about evil winning when good peeps do nothing
  • You need a thicker skin. Aim for a world where you don't, but this one requires it. Besides, it's the internet - fuck em.

Appreciate it. I’ve got a thick skin in real life—I just feel like doing anything in the virtual world which requires me to engage my thick skin is sort of a waste of my energy. I zero percent mean that as though I’m trying to start an argument here, but if I’m gonna get cyberstalked for a couple comments here or there it’s just not really worth it to me.