13 Post – 604 Comments
Joined 5 years ago

Calculator Manipulator

I've found this more understandable.

I've also hacked together a quick thing for spamwaves that were happening last year here.

The purpose of that script is to ban, but there're auth bits that might help you get a grasp on your task.

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I've been running mine for just over 5 years now - initial setup was ass, but it's very much hands off now - email simply doesn't change anymore.

If you have a domain to test - I can host it for you. If you then decide that it works well enough for you - I'll show you how to set it up on your own server.

Wireguard works best for private traffic, but you can't host a public site with that.

Of course you can! Nginx and wireguard on a VPS and actual services wherever you want.

I just don't get it. If it's unlimited - in what universe is using it beyond 15TB considered abuse?

I get the reseller part, I get the stupid chia mining part. But if they can say that was the problem - then get rid of those users, as clearly you have already identified them. Don't shift the blame away from your dumbass marketing team onto your users and play an innocent company.

I can't believe how much support dropbox is getting. People seem to accept, without questioning, every bollocks pr statement these days.

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Threads? Seriously? Have they learnt nothing?

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I'm glad they found a way, but at the same time - what the hell? Why is it OK for game devs of this magnitude to have a hardcoded hardware list? Look for feature support, not a string that is easy to manipulate outside your control!

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I see angry wankers want to moan for the sake of moaning.

Eliminating smoking is a goos thing! I'll take my wins whenever possible, doesn't happen all that often.

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In what fuckin universe does that even make sense. How dull does the mind have to be to justify this? I couldn't chop an arm off of someone I hate, let alone a kid. Let alone all the other insert word to describe this horror.

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Clickbait title. The merge request simply changes naming from NSA SELinux to SELinux. Nobody is trying to rewrite history here.

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I have never identified a need to use it

Don't use linux.

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Is it actually dangerous to run Firefox as root?

Yes, very. This is not specific to Firefox, but anything running as root gets access to everything. Only one thing has to go wrong for the whole system to get busted.

usually logged into KDE Plasma as root.

Please don't do this! DEs are not tested to be run as root! Millions of lines of code are expected to not have access to anything they shouldn't have and as such might be built to fail quietly if accessing something they shouldn't in the first place. Same thing applies to Firefox, really.

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Why does this feel like an ad

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that doesn't necessarily mean it will be an RTS, and whatever shape it takes will depend on the person or team who goes to bat for it.

So... it's not Starcraft, then. It's just another game.

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That's a drop in profit, right? Not an actual loss

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Most of them.

  • Debian world - apt sucks. For something with a sole purpose of resolving a dependency tree, it's surprisingly bad at that.

  • Redhat world - everything is soooo old. I can see why business people like it, buy I rarely, if ever, agree with business people.

  • Opensuse world - I've only tried it once, probably 15 years ago. Didn't really know my way around computers all that much at the time, but it didn't click and I've left it. Later on I found out about their selling out to Microsoft and never bothered touching it again.

  • Arch - it was my daily for a year or two. Big fan. It still runs my email. At some point the size of packages started to annoy me, though. Still has the best wiki. I've never really bothered with the spinoffs, as the model of Arch makes them useless and more problematic to deal with.

I've got the Gentoo bug now. For the first time I genuinely feel ~/. A lean, mean system of machines :)

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It's not. TempleOS is a famous from scratch OS created by a guy with serious mental illness. It's a sad story, but the capability of that guy was incredible. He's gone now :(

Hasn't made life hell, but the general dumb following of compliance has left me baffled:

  • users must not be able to have a crontab. Crontab for users disabled.
  • compliance says nothing about systemd timers, so these work just fine 🤦

I've raised it with security and they just shrugged it off. Wankers.

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I wholeheartedly support this dumbass decision. Nothing makes youngsters learn basic computing better than a ban that can be arbitralily overcome using basic networking skills.

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Fully expected a clickbait article, was pleasantly proven wrong.

OSM is run by a foundation -

This makes it a lot more difficult to cock it up compared to a shareholder run company.

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Heads will roll...

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Dependency - xkcd

This has been happening every year for I don't even know how many years. Apple buys all capacity of TSMC for some period of time, a bunch of articles get copy-pasted from last year, life goes on.

As a fellow UK instance owner - gimme a shout if you need a hand with the setup!

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I think the main keyword here is could, unfortunately. I live in a first world country and could benefit from it, which means there's very little chance nobody will snatch it up and abuse it.

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Pulled pork. And then I wonder why I don't do it more often, and then remember that I prefer homemade one, and then I realise :::: spoiler ain't nobody got time for that :(

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What the fuck is wrong with people

Has hell frozen over already?!

Why tf would I want a dumb ai to try and second guess my typos?

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Keyword being could. They won't, though. They'll get a million or two to pay and will move on with their day.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

exec > /tmp/sda-debug.log 2>&1 # The last "word" of this line is 4 chars - two, greater than, ampersand and one

# strict mode
set -euxo pipefail


umount /dev/sda4 || true
mkdir -p "$TARGET"
mount /dev/sda4 "$TARGET"
ls -la "$TARGET" # attempt read
touch "$TARGET"/testfile # attempt write

rm "$TARGET"/testfile
umount "$TARGET"
rmdir "$TARGET"
  • Save this to a file somewhere, let's call it
  • Make the script executable: chmod +x
  • Run it as root: sudo ./
  • Paste the content of /tmp/sda-debug.log here

EDIT: changed the script to log everything to a file for easier copy-past-ability.

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Bullshit. It has to be way more than that.

As stated above, our study focuses on the inference (i.e. deployment) stage in the model life cycle,

And this is why.

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And that, kids, is why maths is absolutely necessary if you want to amount to anything more than a shitty webdev.

Less. It's used eveywhere, although should only be used with uncountable nouns.

Less drama is prefered.

Fewer items left on the shopping list.

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People have used the following to scam, lie, commit fraud, etc

  • physical money
  • digital money
  • cryptocurrency
  • whatsapp
  • facebook
  • twitter
  • email
  • sms
  • phonecalls
  • etc

I don't think it's the privacy bit that makes people do shit things.

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I don't know the specifics on Fedora's installer, but normally that question is about disabling root account, not logging into a DE.

Not sure what else to elaborate here. There's a bunch of code that is not tested to be run as root. A whole class of exploits becomes unavailable, if you stick to an unprivileged user.

Say there's some exploit that allows some component of KDE to be used to read a file. If it's running under an unprivileged user - it sucks. Everything in user's homedir becomes fair game. But if it runs as root - it's simply game over. Everything on the system is accessible. All config, all bad config, files of all applications (databases come to mind). Everything.

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Would be a real shame if my instance's logrotate was set to, say, only keep a few days of webserver logs. Real shame.

Good luck establishing precedent with that!

Props on getting so much done!

trying to force the belt tensioner back took every ounce of strength I could muster.

You need a breaker bar. Already have one? You need a breaker bar and a pipe 😀

Just in case you're not a troll - host it yourself. It's federated, like lemmy. You don't need to be able to program.

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Probably. Germany is having a bit of a fever with a fsr right party.

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