Saudi Arabia won’t recognize Israel without a path to a Palestinian state, top diplomat says to World – 412 points –
Saudi Arabia won't recognize Israel without a path to a Palestinian state, top diplomat says

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The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi Jews who fled to Israel after almost all of them, some 850,000 in total, were expelled or pressured out of Muslim-majority Middle Eastern countries from 1948 through the 1950s. About 72% (650,000) settled in Israel.

The notion that Jewish Israelis are just Europeans is a profoundly racist and ignorant belief.

A couple notes:

  1. Mizrahi is a modern term used to erase the European origin of many Jewish communities living in the former Ottoman empire.

  2. This argument is often used by Zionists to suggest that the majority of the modern Israeli population is made up of indigenous groups. This is not correct.

Even if that's true they certainly jumped on the settler colonialism bandwagon from Europe quick enough.