“Fascists Go Home!”: Philadelphians Reject Far Right “Moms for Liberty” | Over 50 local and national organizations joined to counter the harmful messaging from the far right group’s conference.

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“Fascists Go Home!”: Philadelphians Reject Far Right “Moms for Liberty”

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We have one of those Moms for "Liberty" groups in my area. After they got LGBTQ books banned from schools and libraries, their new thing is going after literature relating to disability awareness. It's sad to see, and anyone with a disability or a loved one with a disability should seriously be aware and worried about this trend.

We have one of those Moms for “Liberty” groups in my area. After they got LGBTQ books banned from schools and libraries, their new thing is going after literature relating to disability awareness.

Right-wing politics are all about performative outrage and fearmongering. They need everybody focused on a "boogeyman", and once they conquer that boogeyman, they need to find a new boogeyman to get everyone riled up about and keep the rubes focused on anything but their policy ideas.

Mitch McConnell champions this. He has mentioned on record several times to make sure the party doesn't focus on their own policies because of how unpopular they are, and instead to just spend 100% of the time telling everybody how whatever the Democrats are doing is bad in order to keep the attention focused elsewhere.

They were successful at killing Roe. Now the new boogeyman is the LGBT community. And apparently in your area it's disabled people because hey, kicking people while they're down is fun. and once they feel like they won whatever battle they're waging against the disabled, it'll be another disadvantaged group.

Because punching down is all the GOP has.

Grotesque. I've got autism, so I take that rather personally. Really, what do you stank hoes have against those of us who aren't exactly like you? Maybe you should move to 1940s Germany where that sort of thing was accepted. Then find yourself directly under a British bomber dropping its payload.

That is horrible. Where is this happening? I'm surprised and not surprised, they have a long list of things they want banned or erased. I think sex ed. is on that list for the schools. I believe they will also be eliminating any members of the groups they target from working in the schools or maybe libraries. They aren't done yet.

Thanks I was wondering what was next on their list.