Nintendo’s Next Switch Coming This Year With LCD, Omdia Says to – 66 points –

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I Hope they're wrong, lanch a device with LCD in 2024 is f... silly.

Ah, but what about the costs? oh yes, as if they were going to cut $50 off the final price... that excuse doesn't work for me.

Ah but you see, then they can launch the OLED version in 2 years and tack on $100

I know the capitalism/profit/no charity stuff, but I refuse to believe in this.

Oh it’s anti-consumerism for sure and it’s disgusting. I just can’t think of another reason they wouldn’t launch as OLED in 2024 is all.

Nintendo devices have always been really popular and part of that is that they cost less than the competition. Sure, whether or not that LCD savings is lowering the price or raising the profit margin is impossible to really know but in reality it is likely doing a bit of both.