17 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Downhill ever since Brendan Eich left /s

Fuck google and fuck chrome

There must have been an operational bottleneck with handling the LEOs requests that they decided to prevent the data requested from even existing in order to not be able to reply to such requests. Surely this came down to business and not alturism.

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No. Gary Webb, the reporter from the San Jose Mercury News who first broke the story of CIA involvement in the cocaine trade, was found dead with "two gunshot wounds to the head." His death, in 2004, was ruled a suicide.

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Two bullet wounds to the back of the head is perfectly normal. Happens all the time.

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Yea nah

We can only hope (っ˘ڡ˘ς)


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Jokes on you I send all data over citizen band radio

Fuuuuck Amazon

Fuck reddit

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Bluesky is trash and not even decentralized

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Especially those with unplanned pregnancy

It's such a shitty MFA service. RIP to them getting pwned again.

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Might as well just pay for a prostitute

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We were only meant to be wage slaves /s

Yup and it's riddled with counterfeit items too


Please add citations where people were killed as a direct result

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RIP from a supply chain attack

What's crazy is it's more like 17+ eyes

Oh it's open alright. Open to making money.

Find one that accepts crypto and then you're good

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Surprisingly, I've had the opposite effect. Wherein, it has increased my productivity by tenfold and has helped with code review and/or confirming various logic, etc. Although, I wouldn't necessarily take what it tells me as gospel from a recommendation standpoint in terms of my career as a whole. I've definitely caught it numerous times being wrong, but the inaccuracies pale in comparison to what it gets right, imo.

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You may want to also look at offloading media with pict-rs to a object storage like an S3 API compliant bucket. Otherwise, you'll find Lemmy soaks up lots of storage.

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Ah interesting, thanks. I'll see if I can find some. That makes sense that it relies entirely upon the users of the instance and what they search/subscribe to. So, as a single-user instance, it'd only show what I venture out to find. Hopefully, the scripts you speak of can help automate some of that.

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Haha exactly. Also, thanks for replying. I've literally just set up this new self-hosted instance and you've confirmed the fedi is working

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So this is centralized?

It's just the new AI porn saying "watch me plsss"

Turns out, even with the from scratch install, I needed to edit the docker-compose.yml file to add the pict-rs env vars. It's working now.

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Hell yea. The LCS tool is working beautifully. Thanks for that!

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Thanks! And to answer your question, I always like building from source to know exactly what's involved. Just a hobbyist thing I guess lol

Wish there is was a webOS variant for LGs

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Also, if you're worried about logging, you could set up a bulletproof, anon VPS you paid for in cash/crypto from a host who doesn't KYC. Then, set it as a community node, and then configure Portmaster to only accept your SPN entry node as your own VPS. That way, you can know that when you enter the SPN it's through a VPS you've ensured isn't tied to your identity, doesn't log, and is your starting point before being routed through other random locations.

Which DNS provider are you using? I use many and never had an issue.

The simplest solution would be to use a Nostr app to create a keypair (aka account). Then add the relay. This will let you search for ActivityPub users and follow them as if it were a Twitter-style feed.