The floppy disk refused to die in Japan - laws that forced the continued use of floppies have finally hit the chopping block

Lee to – 567 points –
The floppy disk refused to die in Japan - laws that forced the continued use of floppies have finally hit the chopping block

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either due to technical or cost effective

Mainly due to proprietary hardware+software solutions which cannot be ported now and remaking them with new hardware will require redoing the same processes as before (probably with additional stuff added by later laws) all over again.

If you try to replace just the hardware, you get fun solutions like a modern computer with a VM running Dosbox on critical infrastructure. Hey, if it works and your boss is willing to sign off on it...

Hehe, a similar thingy happened in one of my previous companies. The CPU was easily spoofed using qemu but in that case the whole OS was almost immutable with hardcoded bus configs for the video card (some old pre ATI card), which I was unable to pass through, causing the project to be taken out of my hands. I feel like it didn't go forward after that.