Do you believe Lemmy/Mastodon can become mainstream and fully replace their centralized counterparts? to No Stupid – 959 points –

What the title says. I think there is still a long way for that to happen but i've been hopeful. What do you think?


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fuck dude I hope not. The best part of Lemmy to me is the fact that it's not as big as the others, and what Lemmy gives me is that same feeling of freedom websites in the 2000s and early 2010s felt like they had.

This is true. There's so little threads, you can follow something that was posted a day or two ago and chime in just like the discussion boards of old.

I hope it does, but before that we need a more stable server, horizontal scalable, and better apps, they are being worked on

Agreed. Either way - I'm just happy to see they content flourishing here. Just regular-ass shit.

My biggest fear is that it develops a "hive-mind".

Before the migration, was the biggest instance, and is explicitly communist.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for communism, but I don't want to be part of a circle-jerk and read about it every day.