What from reddit do you hope to never see on lemmy?

_number8_@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 862 points –

i can't stand megathreads -- no one reads these! no one wants their posts banished there!


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I actually liked megathreads, they usually meant big news and I didn't have to read 20 posts about the same thing.

But what I disliked about reddit was when trolls from some subreddits would spam CP to get other subreddits closed

Megathreads for news / events I think are great - for me the annoying part were some of the ongoing megathreads; for example some game subs will drown out basically all actual conversation about gameplay because there a "daily questions thread". I know they might've had an issue with repetitive questions, but there's gotta be a middle point

Oh yeah those condensed threads for daily discussions and what not were awful and killed subs lol

But what I disliked about reddit was when trolls from some subreddits would spam CP to get other subreddits closed

What is this about? I never heard about this