Twenty Years for Learning the Quran: Uyghur women imprisoned in China for decades-old religious practices, leaked files reveal to World – 58 points –
Twenty Years for Learning the Quran: Uyghur Women and Religious Persecution - Uyghur Human Rights Project

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The Uyghur Human Rights Project’s (UHRP) new research report, Twenty Years for Learning the Quran: Uyghur Women and Religious Persecution, presents compelling evidence of the systematic oppression faced by Uyghur women, revealing stark persecution on the basis of religion. Women’s religious practices across the board, including studying religious texts, gatherings, daily prayer, and the choice to wear the hijab, have been explicitly criminalized.

“Our report provides detailed information on hundreds of Uyghur women persecuted for their religion. Many of them were condemned to long terms in prison for the ‘crime’ of learning a few verses of the Quran when they were children. The Chinese government has taken respected women of faith, senior community leaders, and educated young women, and subjected them to the dehumanizing regime of the region’s camps and prisons,” said Professor Rachel Harris, a co-author of the report.

Abduweli Ayup, co-author of the report, added, “We show how a colonial regime reengineered Uyghur communities by removing female leaders from society. Women were targeted as mothers, as teachers and as preservers of Uyghur traditional knowledge.”


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I question why a human rights group meant for people in Xinjiang is based in Washington DC and has lots of personal ties to the US government. Sure is convenient for US foreign policy goals.

Are you expecting them to be based in Xinjiang? I'm sure the Chinese govt would love that

You understand there are places other than China and the US right?

Given I live in Europe, I should think so. Regardless, is there a reason they CAN'T be in the states?

No. I'm saying that the US, an imperalist power which consistently spreads anti-Chinese propaganda, can't be trusted to tell the truth when it comes to China. So it's suspicious that several people on the board of that organization are former members of the US State Department

Guess a human rights group in China is not possible for a lack of democracy. That aside, it doesn't matter where the group sits, the issue is clear here. But, wait, ...

I'm not "whatabouting", I guess I wasn't clear enough. I'm accusing this organization of bias that they're not even being shy about. The US government has a clear interest in spreading negative press about China and several members of this human rights group are former US government officials.