Cocaine found in White House sparks brief evacuation to World – 56 points –
Cocaine found in White House sparks brief evacuation

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Tl;Dr nothing burger. They found drugs in a visitor spot. Do we have a saved you a click community yet lol

Now we just need to find out which employee left it there.

Much much bigger problems at this point besides rich people using cocaine

Typical liberal. Post 1: Denies White House employee involvement, implies it was tourist. Post 2: No no no, we got bigger problems to solve!

And you are just as typical of “classic liberal” poster, making assumptions about everything and anything under the sun so long as it fits your head narrative.

I have no interest in discussing this matter any further with someone who’s as blatantly presumptuous as you are. Too much self-righteous, blatantly wrong and corrupted data in that lil shoe box you call a nogin to get anything of value from you or anything you say.

Get right mate lmao.

It's a tiny bag of coke in the most frequented spot. Let them look into it and if they need to fire someone they will. Are your panties really that bunched up over a dime bag of coke? lol you need to relax my man. Other guy was right, almost everything is more important than this.