386 Post – 214 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Have strong opinions, but I welcome any civil fact-based disscussion.

Obviously. It's linked to Instagram, so it's gonna be a another playground for "influencers" to milk their fans.

What are your thoughts on password managers?

They are mandatory in current digital age.

Do you use one?

Yes. Bitwarden.

Would you recommend it to others?

Already do and most are receptive to it once you show them that every single one of them were caught up in a breach at some point.

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Their stance if someone is interested

They basically won't do anything preemptively.

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It really depends on the instance and their own rules. Some might allow it, while others wouldn't. It would definetely need to be aggressively moderated to avoid promoting any illegal sales, etc.

Only admins of the various instances can really clarify this.

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The irony is that Twitter is the one that's causing the performance issues for itself

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You might want to also replace Discord if you care about your data.

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It requires 71 permissions, which is pretty much full access to your device.

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DuckDuckGo uses Bing results. Also DuckDuckGo is not your friend.

I personally use SearXNG for best results. Public instance list.

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Talking about and actively promoting it are 2 different things. Also not everything sold there is illegal.

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Signal is great for one on one conversations or small groups. Matrix is better served for communities as federation offers censorship resitance, but they collect some metadata that Signal doesn't. They do have encrypted DMs, but it's less user friendly than Signal and if your partner is not tech savvy, I would go with Signal.

Signal has 2 points of concern:

  • Phone number requirement
  • Centralized server (one point of failure)

I use both for different groups of people. E.g. My Matrix account is publically listed on my Lemmy account, but my Signal one is only given to people I trust to some level.

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I'm fine with copyright, but it should end when the author dies instead of extending x years after the death. But patents should be limited to a few years after product release and the loopholes closed. Right now some patents can be extened infinitely.

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There are a few Firefox forks:

  • LibreWolf
  • Waterfox
  • Arkenfox

And then there is Brave which I find smoother than Firefox, but that's just me.

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Do you want a discord server or a matrix chat room?


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From the few posts I read, Reddit banned some people for aggresive advertising or spamming when they tried to recomment people to try out Lemmy and Kbin.

It's also clear that some moderators don't want to lose their previous power so they just rolled over. Also worth mentioning that some subreddit users are fine with the upcoming changes and were happy when moderators re-opened.

Check out Revolt, it's basically a Discord clone without the bullshit. Matrix is getting close to being full replacement, but still lacks some features.

While true, the reputational hit for Putin is irreversible. His days are probably numbered.

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Could of mentioned that r/blind moderators are working on Lemmy instance.

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It's great, problem is adoption with non tech people. You clearly had better luck with your friends and family than most. It's hard enough to get them to use something as standard as Signal.

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Only if you are on Android 13. There is an open issue for it

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There is Thunder for both Android and iOS.

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You are a threat to Steve's ego, he can't have that.

It's Google delays not from the dev side. Google needs to build and sign it, but that depends on the overall traffic. So their timeline is always up in the air. Same goes for F-Droid, they also need to build the app and then sign it it can take up to 4 days depending if you miss the set time cycles.

Wouldn't know, I don't even check it anymore.

Unlikely based on current reports that Wagner still has recruitment operations from Molkino which is in Russia and only a small number of Wagner troops have arrived to Belarus. Belarusians are also against attacking Ukraine and every time Lukashenko even hinted at it senior generals said they will refuse to carry out the orders. Lukashenko has no real control in Belarus and is being protected by Russian Presidential Security Service (SBP) as he is afraid of being killed.

Replaced with archived link to bypass paywall.

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Estonia is a NATO country and with how poorly Russia has been doing in Ukraine it would be a huge risk. Also I think Lithuania would be first, if they ever decide to re-take USSR territories, but again that would mean attacking NATO country.

Still is.

Either a typo or stylistic choice.

MusicBrainz has it capitalized

Looks to be part of Twitter 2.0 plan. They also remomved certain endpoints from their API.

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Just create new file called LICENSE in the root directory and and paste the license text into it.

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Copyright Act of 1790
Term of 14 years
Renewal of 14 years

Copyright Act of 1831
Term extended to 28 years
Renewal of 14 years

Copyright Act of 1909
Term of 28 years
Renewal extended to 28 years

Copyright Act of 1976
Life of the author, plus 50 years (generally)
75 years from date of publication or 120 years from date of creation (anonymous works, pseudonymous works, and works made for hire)

Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (1998)
Life of the author, plus 70 years (generally)
95 years from date of publication or 120 years from date of creation (anonymous works, pseudonymous works, and works made for hire)

Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (1998) is what Disney was able to lobby for to extend the life of Mickey for another 20 years. It expires in 2024. But trademark will still be valid.

I had more interesting coversations in 2 weeks here than in 10 years on Reddit, so can't say I agree.


Both are valid methods and Lemmy will convert it to instance aware clickable links automatically (since v0.18) .

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That's the idea longterm. There just wasn't that much interest in integrating all the different platforms until recently. Each fediverse platform was a niche one oriented around small groups.

Yes. EcoHealth received $3.7m from the NIH, $600,000 of which was given to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Full grant document:

They are pointless, just ignore them.