federation test

DanQuix0te@feed.timeloop.tv to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 76 points –



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No worries! All tests welcome in this thread. Do you think it's your server host? What's the output of the "date" command?

I had it set to localtime instead of UTC, which for me is -5 hours. Caused me a bit of grief earlier today after making a new post that started out already five hours old!

It seems like a real pickle though. What if I set my time to a year in the future and make a post? Would that post stay at the top of new all year? I guess lemmy should use the received date rather than what is sent but that could be problematic when things are bogged down or having federation issues.

UTC now. Am I still the ghost of federation's past?
Edit: seems so?

One more try. I sure hope you don't have notifications enabled for all replies...
Edit: well now I'm stumped