federation test

DanQuix0te@feed.timeloop.tv to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 76 points –



Classic testing in prod

Found its way to a kbin instance too

It's interesting that your post says "in 1 hour" as the timestamp. What would be causing that?

Perhaps a time zone thing? I posted it from CET / UTC + 1

I think they're aware of the 2 hours difference from kbin to other instances and will likely investigate it at some point.

Testing in live environment?! This is selfhosted, why the hell not πŸ˜‚

I'm going to test comment deletion too and see if it'll work. I deleted my comments in another community and to my surprise, not only it's not deleted in other instances, it got a bunch of upvotes and replies too! Going to delete this comment and see what happen.

You may need to edit with [deleted by user] and wait some time then delete or something as a workaround. Interesting to know that delete isn’t be all and all.

WTF it's not deleted in OP's instance: https://feed.timeloop.tv/comment/5896

In my instance it's deleted: https://c.calciumlabs.com/comment/166782

Edit: it's deleted in lemmy.world: https://lemmy.world/comment/862358

That's very strange. Once a post gets federated, can a user not delete it? Can it only be removed with a purge from the instance admin?

It can, but the deletion takes time to sync to all instances I believe

Not sure, may need to check the github repo to see if it's a know bug (or an actual feature).

Pretty sure I saw many deleted comments in my instance over the past few weeks, so surely deletion works, at least for some of them. If not, you can always edit the comment and clear the content to simulate deletion. I just edited this comment and I'll see if the edit shows up in your instance.

edit: yep, edit works

Hello, hello! Federation is federating.

Ping pong from inside the house

Thank you everyone! Amazing to see this working with all the other instances. Honestly surprised I didn't have to do too much config after using this post as a rough guide. Just took time for everything to start downloading properly, especially with the chaos of the July 1st exodus.

Welcome to the federation. The cookies that were promised don't actually exist but at least we're not reddit so we've got that going for us.

@danQuix0te sorry, I shouldn't have deleted my comment. Still trying to get the time thing sorted out.

No worries! All tests welcome in this thread. Do you think it's your server host? What's the output of the "date" command?

I had it set to localtime instead of UTC, which for me is -5 hours. Caused me a bit of grief earlier today after making a new post that started out already five hours old!

It seems like a real pickle though. What if I set my time to a year in the future and make a post? Would that post stay at the top of new all year? I guess lemmy should use the received date rather than what is sent but that could be problematic when things are bogged down or having federation issues.

UTC now. Am I still the ghost of federation's past?
Edit: seems so?

One more try. I sure hope you don't have notifications enabled for all replies...
Edit: well now I'm stumped

I see it from over here in Mastodon land. Interestingly, all the timestamps look ok from here.

Edit: guess I'm testing editing to correct a typo. :dancing_panda:

How did you do it. I can't find other instances (almost none) on my instance.

A new instance doesn't federate on its own. It needs to discover the other servers. Use something like https://lemmyverse.net/ to make links with your home server and visit the other instances. Subscribe to a few and you'll start getting those posts.