
70 Post – 307 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

30-something grey wolf therian and furry. Admin of yiffit.net lemmy instance and packmates.org mastodon instance.

To anyone surprised at this: welcome to the fediverse, please treat everyhing you do or say as public.

The way to achieve privacy around here is by following the long forgotten arts of the old internet before Facebook was a thing: use a Nick name and don't tell strangers on the internet your real identity.

Your home instance will act as a proxy and only they have access to your email and IP address. That does stay private.

So, as long as you trust your home instance to not leak or disclose your connection or sign up data (which would be illegal in EU countries), just sign up with an alias.

A very positive aspects of this is that it should allow us to detect voting manipulation by correlating the activity of certain potentially malicious actors. If Lemmy instances take vote manipulation seriously and do their best to block bots this has the chance to make Lemmy / Kbin much more transparent and credible than Reddit ever was.

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The Hot timeline becomes stale if the lemmy server isn't restarted every 6 hours or so, which takes 10 seconds but can't be done on larger instances such as lemmy.world because it kills the queue of outgoing activity.

This is a known bug and is being worked on. For the time being you should try with "top 6 hours" and "top 12 hours" sorting.

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No, the signatures wouldn't match.

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I'd say people worrying about Karma.

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Who would be so pissed at lemmy.world to DDoS them?

They might want to consider using Cloudflare or a similar solution if they don't already.

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Yes, pict-rs which is used b by Lemmy strips exif. Confirmed by the dev themselves.

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It's worth mentioning that this impacts only US vehicles from those brands.

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In case anyone's wondering this is what we instance admins can see in the database. In this case it's an obvious example, but this can be used to detect patterns of vote manipulation.

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Tip: try sorting by hot instead of active. Gets better results imho. Also Top 6 hours.

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One step towards avoiding misuse is to stop considering porn to be misuse.

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It's a shame that people are still using that platform.

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I'm sorry, I need to say it:

Did she check the control singer? If the control doesn't say she's a fascist, but the other one does, then it's not a placebo but her actually being a fascist.

Just watched it. Writers have nothing to worry about for now. I do admit I laughed once, though.

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Tell your instance admin to restart the Lemmy service every so often. We have ours restart every six hours since that fixes the hot thing breaking and getting stale.

Larger instances might not be able to restart often as it could leave some interactions in limbo.

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Close the windows, curtains and shades during the day, at around 8-9AM. When it's very warm outside, open windows are your enemy.

Open windows, curtains and shades during the night when temperature is lowering.

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Hooray! Younger generations will finally be able to experience the joy of dropping their phone and having to pick up three to four different pieces! /s

(I'm all for this change, by the way)

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They're digging their own graves.

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Hey, this happened to us recently. In your database check the table called 'instance ' and make sure the value for 'updated' is less than three days old for lemmy.world

There are false positives regarding the detection of "dead instances" in the latest version of Lemmy and it's actually your instance that stops sending out messages to lemmy.world

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Push the front part in with your thumb as you pull the narrower part up with your fingers.

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I'm really enjoying Jerboa. It stays lightweight and fast!

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I don know why there's so many furry memes on Lemmy Shitpost, but I'm loving it. Also because it allows me to cross post to the furry memes community :P

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I'd be more inclined to reach out to Louis Rossmann, especially since he's said he won't post on reddit anymore. Maybe we can even find a home on lemmy for his right to repair campaign.

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It's like BitTorrent. There's seeders and then there's leechers who just want their free stuff and stop sharing immediately afterwards.

Some have more principle than others.

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How everyone who knew how to had their own personal homepage.

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As a non US person, it's baffling to me that there's this whole background of being "the land of the free", but half the country would want to turn it into Saudi Arabia 2.0, Christian Boogaloo.

That said, anyone of you over there who are opposing these changes, keep up the fight. When one country gets more conservative others will follow. There's no country in earth immune to this.

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Excellent article and it's of course a very serious concern regarding Meta's Project 92.

I want to use this thread to share one other concern that I've seen coming up constantly on Mastodon: overzealous instance admins that take things personally.

"You said X about me, I'll block your whole instance".

"I don't like a particular nuanced view that instance staff holds, #Fediblock now".

"Users of X instance reported me. I'll block the whole instance".

A few of these things happened in the last couple of days. We can't have instance admins defederating because of trivial petty stuff. The only thing this does is drive users to larger instances, among which there might be corporate interests.

It's just like having different subreddits about the same topic. Just subscribe to both.

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I don't want to shame anyone, but I've had people sign up give me their full DoB and offering to show me their ID. I know of people who disclose their id to get access to nsfw discord communities.

A private military propped up over years by putin and sent to Ukraine turns on him due to the miserable conditions they had to endure and the overall management of the war. Make no mistake, Wagner's boss is an ultra-nationalist / authoritarian like Putin, but for now they're fighting each other.

That's about 200 meters for anyone who doesn't use feet.

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Unfortunately there's probably a large amount of users who simply don't care.

But that's okay. What matters is content creators, not content consumers. Anyone with half a gram of decency and self integrity will have realized that they need to take steps to move away from Reddit.

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No, Lemmy currently doesn't do authorized fetch and thus there's no way for users to request access to a certain post, which would sort of require to disclose a user wanting to get access to something. So no, they are not stored as part of activitypub.

They could be logged on your instance's server and/or the server where are an image is hosted as part of typical logs for web requests. These would contain your ip address and other browser metadata such as the user Agent, but these are typical logs that happen every time you load anything on the internet on any website that exists.

Can someone explain what the Intel ME actually does / is? Thank you.

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That amount of stress when you rush a deadline isn't humane for sure.

The All timeline shows posts from communities that have at least one user from that instance subscribed to them.

If no users from instance A are subscribed to community X, this community will never show up in that instance's All timeline.

This is because otherwise instances have no idea what communities are out there. It isn't until a user subscribes to a remote community that the instance starts receiving posts for that community and learns that it exists.

When a user subscribes to a remote commmunity, the remote instance starts sending updates for content that's newly created for that community and the user's instance knows it exists and is able to display that received content in the ALL timeline.

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And here I thought this was the nurse from the 90s, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beverley_Allitt

But, no. This apparently happened in 2015. Creepy how both cases are so similar.

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I'll wait a few days until it's no longer a rc.

Note: admins can delete remote communities without having to block the whole instance.

If lemmy.world admins clicked on "remove" on the offending remote communities that would block them but keep access to the rest of the instance.

That said, I understand the concerns.

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Not in the EU fortunately.

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