In what ways are people today being convinced to spend money beyond their means? to Ask – 181 points –

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I've done pretty well so far. Only subscription I have is for Spotify and 1Password.

Why 1password when you can use bitwarden, its free for most features, and 10 bucks a year for features I don't need

I like the convenience of the 2 factor being included with the paid version, and password autofill with TOTP seems to work much more often than Bitwarden (S23 Ultra, latest version of Android) So with that being said, I really like Bitwarden, but prefer 1Password for the convenience.

2fa is included in bitwarden, just not in the free version

Is it a password manager? I've been wondering if there's a good alternative to Keeper, which is what I use. I like that I can access my passwords on different devices, and it tells me if a password has been compromised or is weak. But, I've also been trying to save money. I think the one I'm using now is $30 a year so free or $10 a year for similar features would be an improvement.

Yes, bitwarden is a password manager, and A very good one at that