Democrats Lose Ground With Black and Hispanic Adults to politics – 89 points –
Democrats Lose Ground With Black and Hispanic Adults

The data show the Democratic Party retaining advantages among people of color and young adults, but in 2023 it was in a weaker position among these groups than at any point in the past quarter century. Democrats’ reduced support among Black and Hispanic adults should be especially concerning for the party, given Republicans’ continued strength among White adults, who remain the majority of the electorate.


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Oh look, another poll in which they ask you how you feel instead of who you plan on voting for.

Polls have been complete garbage since 2019 & have gotten even worse since. Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, there is a nine+ point difference in the Democrat's favor between the polls & actual votes, natinonwide.

There are polls for that. This is a long standing poll that we can use to track trends in party identification.

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